14 U.S. State Attorneys General are lining up to side with a Mexican plan to destroy America's gun manufacturers...
An avalanche of fist-time gun owners stepped up last year, with women, blacks and Hispanics making up the biggest...
A federal court in California has ruled that L.A.'s shutting down of gun stores using the pandemic as an...
The movement to enact legal and universal concealed carry of firearms is growing with new laws being considered in...
California has made owning a firearm so expensive that middle class and poorer residents can't afford to keep themselves...
No free man shall ever be debarred from the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to...
Research shows that Americans’ fears have risen steadily for the past 30 years. While US citizens worry more about...
Several news sources are reporting two police officers have been killed in Iowa, overnight, in ambush style attacks.
The naive notion that if only guns could not be bought that violence would cease is paraded so often...
The idea, often espoused by anti-gun leftists today, that the 2nd Amendment only covers militia service and purposes, is...
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