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No free man shall ever be debarred from the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain their right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in the government.

— Thomas Jefferson

The issue of gun ownership for the private sector has long been an issue of debate. When the American rebels overthrew the English Government’s power in the colonies, King George realized the mistake of allowing his subjects to bear weapons. If the private citizens had not owned weapons or the government had had means of procuring (i.e. gun registration) the guns owned by the citizens the American colonies would never have triumphed. Many of the raids the British soldiers went on during the war were for the sole purpose of confisquating weapons. That is why the Founding Fathers knew that absolute right to gun ownership was essential for the people.

While King George may have made the mistake of allowing his subjects to bear arms, Adolf Hitler certainly did all he could to keep his subjects from owning guns.

Consider this quote from him:”The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms. History has shown us that all conquerors who have allowed their subjects to bear arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.” The Nazi’s (National Socialist German Worker’s Party) instituted gun registration as the best way to control weapons. Yes gun registration, liberals today have been begging for gun registration all the while claiming that it won’t result in private arms being confiscated. Well if Hitler could read history so can we. We know that registration always results in confiscation. From Australia to Europe we have plenty of examples as to what will happen to registered gun owners.

But Adolf Hitler wanted something more than having a disarmed public. He wanted to take away their freedom. He said,”To conquer a nation first disarm it’s citizens.” That’s pretty straightforward language for a socialist. He knew that to be successful in robbing countries of freedom that private gun ownership could not be allowed.

If you are a moderate who holds many freedoms dear but is fine with compromising on gun registration and background checks you must understand that if we lose our right to bear arms we lose our right to all our liberties. Gun rights are truly our First Freedom and we cannot let them go. With the loss of our Second Amendment rights goes the loss of our First Amendment rights as well.

The right of the citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed if liberty in America is to survive.

— Ronald Reagan


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