We started out with fake news and we ended up with a fake video uploading platform.
Their goal has always been to remake lady liberty into a socialist, communist, anti-Christian, slave state, and via their...
I love this line from the movie, “Blazing Saddles”. “We don't need no stinkin' badges.” I say to Democrats,...
Thanks to God and the Supreme Court, it has survived its most dire threat and a terrible battle with...
Now, most of what I just said is untrue and/or greatly exaggerated.
And people can still have their stupid ideas, liberal or conservative, in a place made better by all of...
In a scripture passage that warns that we must not be found naked and in shame, Christ says it...
America must soon act to stop any and all threats from Iran, or the world that evolves ten years...
We may have come a long way baby, but have lost something on that journey to modernity.
I could go on and on with quotes from the Founders concerning this and our history has proven that...
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