If Donald Trump moves the embassy to Jerusalem, the world will fundamentally change.
Obama is being treated like a child by the international community because he's acted like a foreign policy neophyte...
President Obama recently indicated that if he had been able to run against Trump he thinks he would have...
In this section I want to look at the subject of morality and how the Founders viewed that topic....
Final Betrayals: Obama Releases Terrorists, New EPA Regulations, & Establishes Anti-Trump Taskforce!
iPatriot ContributersPrior to his election, some said Obama was a pathological narcissist. If there was ever any doubt about that...
in planning to launch a mechanism with which they can brand news feed entries as “fake news.”
Even though the Republicans kept the House and the Senate and won the White House that doesn’t mean we...
Ensuring the voice of each and every American is a central tenant which has made and will always make...
So here is how President Trump can take active steps to “drain the swamp”....
You voted for her, I voted for him and both of us thought we were right. We both cried...
Right Report
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