Is anyone surprised that, during all of the yakety-yak about Colin Kaepernick's sitting out the national anthem, no one...
National Anthem
Spectators at a recent Miami Heat professional basketball game were treated to yet another Black Lives Matter type protest.
These past couple of years has seen a sharp increase in civil unrest; there’s been protests and rioting, in...
If I were an NFL coach: I wouldn’t last a day as a coach in the current NFL.
An obvious episode resulted in the creation of Hillary’s Basket of Deplorables, a new destination for those who do...
Hillary Clinton says half of Trump supporters are racists, sexist, bigot homophobes and the other half are just being...
OK I really, really didn't want to do this. For the record; I have been a devoted fan of...
There have been sit-down protests meaning sit-ins at organization offices, universities, blocking highways and freeways by sitting across them...
It seems that the dominant headline in both the sports pages and the news pages this morning revolve around...
49ers QB Won’t Stand for the Pledge, Reuters and USNI News See Things Differently Regarding Dustup Between U.S. and Iran
iPatriot Contributers49ers QB Won't Stand for the Pledge, Reuters and USNI News See Things Differently Regarding Dustup Between U.S. and...
Right Report
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