As detailed in the last two day’s summary’s of Wikileaks, the following is a a summary of the 10th day of email leaks from the Hillary Clinton campaign.
These emails, which list Hillary’s lies to the American people, are meant to compress the 20,000 emails which have been leaked from the Hillary Clinton camp and make them easy to follow, understand, and read. The following are 10 more of the most blatant and obvious lies to the American people as revealed in today’s leaks.
Hillary would only participate for political reasons and to make George Soros “happy”:
John Podesta to top Clinton aid Cheryl Mills: Asks if they should “hold emails to and from the President of the United States? That’s the heart of his executive priviledge.” Email dated only a few hours after being served subpoena:
John Podesta wished San Bernardino terrorist had been white:
Hillary doesn’t actually care about Gay and Lesbian Issues and “flip-flops” on LGBT issues:
Hillary needs to “give Latinos something to do” so she can galvanize their support against Trump:
Clinton allies pondered polling in 2008 about Obama’s cocaine use, his father’s Muslim faith:
Clinton speechwriter: “We are trying to find a good way to leak her opposition to the pipeline without her having to actually say it”:
Any trouble with NBC and Hillary calls Chuck Todd, he’ll “take care of it”:
Reporters asks HRC about diversity and four members of staff make up what MLK would say today:
Clinton staff discusses Hillary only supporting a carbon tax to knock Bernie Sanders out of the primaries: “To be clear: it’s lethal in the general, so I don’t want to support one. But don’t want to give bernie contrast right now.”:
Tags: 2016 election Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Julian Assange WikiLeaks
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