Democrat media pundits are going insane over Trump’s attacks on Hillary and his supporters standing by him when they say Trump flip-flopped on his campaign’s foundational immigration policy. They even mocked his spokeswoman when she said his policies haven’t changed, but is just saying it differently. At the same time they cheer Hillary’s supporters who refuse to believe the Clinton Foundation is the pinnacle of Washington corruption or that her email crimes are crimes, and when Hillary says she hasn’t lied in a dozen different ways they applaud her creativity and honesty. As Rush Limbaugh exposes Obama’s schemes to infiltrate the suburbs with low rent housing for criminals, and disrupt the rural regions by giving money to lesbians to become farmers, the leftist propaganda machine is rattling its way down Main Street USA toward 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Trump has never broken a campaign promise
Hillary says Trump has made hate a mainstream movement, while Trump appealed to blacks asking why they stay loyal to Democrats who have destroyed them? After eighty years beginning with FDR’s Raw Deal, black families have been destroyed and black culture converted into the criminal culture of welfare voter slaves. Yet the Democrat media continues to try to label Republicans as the party of the KKK while making certain the public sees as little of Hillary as possible. Blacks have been displaced by illegals to which Democrats want to grant citizen rights and it remains to be seen if the light bulb goes off for any of them.
Why do Hillary supporters applaud instead of laughing at her?
That light bulb remains dark for many liberals who call themselves Americans, patriots, or Christians, yet they continue to support Hillary’s efforts to have illegals and Moslems invade America, alter America’s Constitutional laws, and overthrow American foundational principles. Liberals say they are against Washington corruption, lobbyists, and wasteful spending, but fully endorse Hillary using the Clinton Foundation as a conduit by which foreigners bought access and favors from Washington when she was Secretary of State. Those same foreign powers have been purchasing Hillary’s presidency to continue the Obama Doctrine of weakening America’s heartland, importing Sharia, and taking the greatest Christian nation in the world, the powerful arm of freedom, off the world stage to enable socialists and Islamists to expand and prevail.
Trump’s Wall won’t stop America’s fall
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Tags: 2016 Presidential Campaign Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Illegal Immigration Terrorism
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