There are two major things that should concern the American people about mainstream media. We've seen one of them...
“Objectivity is dead, and I’m okay with it.” – Lewis Wallace, former “Marketplace” reporter. The above is the title...
Mainstream media has taken a bruising from multiple fronts over the past few years. Some of the most trusted...
In college, I learned that generalizing is a bad thing for reporters and commentators. It's ironic that I'm breaking...
Contrary to popular belief, liberal mainstream media bias is not the same ol' narrative that conservatives have had to...
Truth should be a magnet to journalists. They should fly to it like moths to a flame. Moreover, they...
We all know what would happen in a reverse scenario. Had four white people kidnapped and beaten a special...
Liberals now want to change our speech and the presentation of ideas. Political correctness, inclusiveness and gender fluidity all...
Obama stood in front of the camera early in his presidency, and he said "I will fundamentally change America."...
The accusations against Mr. Bannon are all readily available on the Internet, so I decided to take the simple...
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