Spotify is ending its $25 million deal after the ex-prez Obama and his wife gave them a measly 18...
Barack Obama
In a speech delivered on Thursday, ex-President Barack Obama called for more, not less, censorship of conservatives and Republicans...
Mitt Romney Blames Conservatives ‘America First’ Policy for Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
Warner Todd HustonThe minute Russia invaded Ukraine, Utah Sen. Mitt Romney sent out a statement blaming American conservatives for Russia's outrageous...
At an outrageous cost of $201 billion, Joe Biden has topped the huge glut of regulations that Obama pushed...
Donald Trump is nobody’s fool. In attempting to prove an obvious lie, Rachel Maddow attempted to prove Hillary...
Setting a dangerous precedent for the future of America, the New York Times, the Washington Post and other Leftist...
Breaking!! Multiple News Reports: Obama Used British Government to SPY ON TRUMP!!!
iPatriot ContributersThere is shocking news breaking this morning - three different intelligence sources have told Fox News that President Obama...
Conservatives are up in arms over the ObamaCare repeal and Democrats are egging them on as their great Russian...
As Republicans sink their fangs into the jerking hide of a dying ObamaCare carcass that failed leap to socialism...
Every accusation Obamaites sling at Trump always bounces back at them as if it hit a rubber shield leaving...
Right Report
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