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Freaki-leaks has obtained and released a copy of the outline for the course “Winning A US Presidential Election” offered by the Department of Political Science at Progressive University (PU – “Education for a New World Order”).

  Winning A US Presidential Election

Course Outline

-I.  Choosing a winning candidate

Finding a facile liar

Approval and support from The New World Order (NWO)

(Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, George Soros,

International mega-corporations, tax-exempt  foundations, the

Vatican, other one-world organizations)

-II.  Winning by controlling the candidates of both major parties

-III. The “Reagan-Trump” problem

-IV.  Dangerous Whistleblowers

Edward Snowden

Julian Assange and Wikileaks

-V.   Rogue media

InfoWars and Alex Jones

The Drudge Report


Other supporters of the First Amendment to the Constitution

-VI.  Vote enhancement

Bogus voters

Programmable voting machines

“It’s who counts the vote that counts!”

-VII. Complementary methods of election outcome control

Bribery, Blackmail, Disinformation and Duress (BBDD)

Peripheral assassination


Students successfully completing the course will be qualified for entry-level positions at the DNC/Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign.



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