You loons DID NOT HELP YOUR CAUSE! Look in the mirror and WAKE UP before it is too late!
Presidential Election
2017 will prove to be a very interesting year. Oh sure, Trump’s first 100 days will be chock full...
Obviously this article is not all-inclusive regarding the Obama legacy. However just what is listed here proves how inept...
It appears today that every entity, every department and agency in Washington D.C. has suffered a critical meltdown of...
So here is how President Trump can take active steps to “drain the swamp”....
On Nov. 8th, sixty million people voted for the corrupt Washington elites to be brought down, while another sixty...
Conservatives have had to accept that Americans chose a Moslem socialist Hitler wannabe to be President of the United...
The Electoral College protects America from massive voter fraud
Trump may still pull this off, but if he goes down in flames, he will blame the system and...
For some time now I have been hearing about Obama’s approval being at “record highs”. This morning I heard...
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