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Since it is now less than 90 days until America chooses a new President, it seems important to me to focus on just how inept and corrupt the Obama Administration has been. And then ask the question, “Can America survive a 3rd term of the Obama Administration”?

As noted above this is only a sample of the lies, scandals, and corrupt activities that we have seen during the past 7 and ½ years. Everything listed below (in no particular order) has been researched, documented and written about extensively by a number of people, including myself so I will not provide a lot of details here (there have actually been entire books written about  some of Obama’s scandals and corruption):

  • Obama promised, “My administration will be the most transparent administration in history”. It has been the most secretive.
  • Obama uses every Federal agency to regularly violate the Constitution and go around Congress to carry out his agenda. An example is Obama going around Congress and using the EPA to initiate and carry out his “war on coal”.
  • Breaking News! The “Department of Injustice” overrode three different FBI field offices and closed the Clinton Foundation investigation. They are not even pretending to be honest now!
  • Breaking news! It has been confirmed that the Obama Administration has been altering intelligence reports to make it look like the Administration’s war on terror has been more effective than it actually has been.
  • One of the “Department of Injustice’s” first actions was to drop the voter intimidation convictions of the Philadelphia Black Panthers.
  • The “Department of Injustice” issued an internal policy, “There is no such thing as voter intimidation or voter fraud if it is done by people of color”.
  • “Fast and Furious” is conceived and executed.
  • Eric Holder lied to Congress repeatedly about “Fast and Furious”.
  • Obama illegally used executive privilege to seal “Fast and Furious” records.
  • “Obamacare” is “passed” by a Democratic controlled House and Senate without being read, and with blank pages. It was actually put together by a special interest group with some members that had questionable resumes.
  • Obama repeatedly illegally used Executive Orders to modify Obamacare.
  • There was massive fraud in the implementation of Obamacare with no action taken by the Administration.
  • In November 2013 the Obamacare website was only 30 % built at a cost of over $600 million when it was budgeted for $94 million.
  • The Obama Administration gave a LA school district $990,000 to teach school children how to go home and educate their parents about the benefits of Obamacare.
  • The Obama Administration spent millions promoting Obamacare.
  • During Obama’s 1st term there was a major expansion of the Food Stamp program with no action taken to prosecute some of the companies hired to administer the program who were committing fraud
  • During Obama’s 1st term there was a huge expansion of the “Free Phone” program with distribution contracts going to major campaign donors and no prosecution of obvious fraud in the program. This was repeated after Obama’s re-election.
  • The Obama Administration Illegally took over the auto industry and illegally reorganized it to take care of the unions at the expense of shareholders, secured lenders and non- union workers.
  • The Obama Administration Illegally terminated automobile dealerships and created illegal dealership monopolies for chosen friends and supporters.
  • The Obama Administration illegally spent billions of dollars on ill-conceived green energy projects that were all massive failures (but trusted supporters were bailed out in the process).
  • The IRS illegally targeted hundreds of Conservative groups.
  • Erick Holder appointed a radical Obama supporter in the “Department of Injustice” to lead the FBI investigation into the IRS targeting of Conservative groups.
  • Obama said in an interview with Bill O’Reilly “there was not even a smidgen of corruption there”, before the IRS “investigation” was done
  • The IRS, BATF and OSHA illegally targeted Conservative group leaders.
  • Obama created a “shadow” government made up of White House Czars.
  • Obama and others in his Administration continually brag about saving the economy, when we are in the longest “none” recovery from a recession in American history.
  • Immediately after his re-election Obama said, “Now we will reward our friends and punish our enemies”.
  • Obama and others in his Administration continually brag about the record low unemployment rate, when we have one of the highest percentages of Americans unemployed or underemployed since the great depression.
  • Obama and others in his Administration repeatedly say, “We are reducing the deficit at the fastest rate since the end of WWII”. The Federal debt will exceed $20 trillion before the end of this year.
  • Obama issues a record number of illegal Executive Orders.
  • Obama has signed a record number of Federal prisoner pardons and he still has over 5 months remaining in office.
  • Obama claims that he was a Constitutional Law Professor.
  • Obama makes Illegal recess appointments.
  • The “Department of Injustice” used “Operation Choke Point” to target gun and other industries that the Obama Administration does not like.
  • During his first term Obama begin to establish a “Federal Police Force,” which has been expanded during his 2nd
  • The Obamas have taken a record number of expensive vacations and Obama has played a record number of rounds of Golf.
  • The Obama Administration has issued a record number of Visas with little to no follow up or enforcement by DHS.
  • Benghazi happens and is covered up.
  • The Syrian “Red Line in The Sand” is announced and ignored.
  • The overall U.S. national defense capability is the lowest it has been since prior to WWII while running up a Federal deficit of $20 trillion
  • The Obama Administration enables voter fraud by using the “Department of Injustice” to prevent states from using voter ID laws and attempting to clean up their registered voter list.
  • The IRS and “Department of Injustice” Illegally targeted Republican candidates in tight national races and then destroyed the evidence.
  • Secret service agents illegally accessed Representative Jason Chavis’ personnel records with no disciplinary action taken.
  • The Obama Administration turned the Border Patrol agents into “baby sitters” while “manipulating” the deportation numbers.
  • The Obama Administration ignored a court order to remove the illegal deep water drilling restrictions in the Gulf. Instead of removing the restrictions they replaced them with more restrictive orders.
  • The Obama Administration allowed massive fraud in the black farmer discrimination claims program.
  • The Obama campaign took illegal donations in his 2008 and 2012 campaign.
  • The Obama Administration refuses to use the term “Islamic Terrorist”.
  • The Obama Administration labeled the Fort Hood terrorist shooting as “work place violence”.
  • Obama placed members of the Muslim Brotherhood in key Federal Government positions.
  • The Obama Administration systematically destroys the lives of bona fide “Whistle Blower’s”.
  • The “Department of Injustice” illegally targeted members of the media, and their families.
  • The Obama Administration signed deals with the UN and foreign Governments and then claimed they were not treaties, which require Congressional approval.
  • Hillary, the IRS, Clapper, and Holder lied to Congress on a regular basis and destroyed records.
  • The State Department, under Hillary, spent $623,000 in a failed attempt to get people to “like” the State Department’s Face Book page.
  • The State Department interfered with an IG investigation into claims about sexual misconduct in the Department.
  • The “Department of Injustice” payed people to go to Florida to protest when Zimmerman was not originally charged.
  • Obama is illegally emptying GITMO.
  • The Bergdahl trade was illegal and extremely ill conceived.
  • Obama continuously generates racial divide by actions like his administrations involvement in the Zimmerman case and saying things like, “The police acted stupidly” regarding the arrest of Henry Gates, a professor friend.
  • A black Muslim extremist who was working in the DHS as a purchasing agent for guns and ammunition had a website advocating a race war and the slaughter of white, gay and mixed race people. He was put on paid leave when Fox News exposed him.
  • Obama enacted a new, illegal phone tax through the FCC to raise money to provide internet service to “every school child in America”. The program, like all of Obama’s programs, failed miserably but the tax is still in effect.
  • Obama’s long UN speech on 9/24/13 claimed that the world is a safer place than it was 5 years ago.
  • The White House and the State Department are caught illegally and foolishly altering press conference tapes.
  • The “Department Of Injustice” alters the transcripts of the 9/11 calls made by the Orlando shooter to remove references to Islam and terrorism.


As noted above this is only a partial list. I saw an internet post during Obama’s first term where the author had taken the time to keep a journal and actually listed Obama lies verbatim. It was six pages long, single spaced with around 35 quotes per page. Obviously after 7 and ½ years this post could be many pages longer. However, I feel sure what I have listed here is adequate proof that this is the most inept and corrupt administration in American history. I firmly believe that a Hillary Administration will be just as bad, and Obama has left us too weak to survive another 4 years of the same ineptitude and corruption.

There are only two viable choices for President. The “third party” candidates cannot possibly be elected. Vote and CHOOSE wisely!



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