Well we have watched this week as the Democrats came out one after the other singing “Kum Bah Yah” and everything is wonderful in America because of Obama and Hillary.
At times I was not sure if this was an extension of an NAACP convention and the token whites were thrown in to appeal the the few moderates left in the Democrat Party. As usual the same tired Hollywood liberals showed up to pat themselves on the back and TELL us that they know better than all the little people out there in those states that they never spend any time in as they fly between Hollywood and New York.
Merryl Streep reminded me of Norma Desmond who wandered back into the studio waiting on Hogeye to shine the spotlight on her and say “Hi Ms Desmond lets get a look at you” I kept waiting for someone to explain how the Democrats and Hillary are going to effectively deal with ISIS. I waited and waited until the news broke in that a priest in France had his throat cut and not one word of sympathy form the Democrats as they told us our greatest nation’s priorities were polar bears getting a little warm and making sure that Black Lives Matter ad nauseum.
Then they cut away to a Black Lives Matter protest where the large well fed black woman told the “whites” that this was a “black” protest and that the whites need to get to the back of the line. I think Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks might have slapped her silly at her ignorance and desire to return to the racist days of the 60’s only with the white population being the ones having to use the outhouse. We heard nothing about national security, our staggering 19 trillion dollar debt or our abysmal trade deals that literally make you hear the sucking sound of jobs leaving this country. No talk of letting people choose where they can send their children to school but massive support for the UNIONS that keep stuffing money in the Democrats pockets.
So tonight we get to finally hear Hillary come out and screech to the camera to let us know she actually has a pair under that pantsuit held up by a Bike supporter and she can rule with the best of them. I am waiting for her stiff speech and most noticeably her manner of speech. Every time Hillary talks she makes a comment waits for the applause and she has the most annoying BOBBLE HEAD 3 or 4 nods of the head acknowledging to the crowd that yes indeed she is right and they are in full agreement with her. Most of the time I completely become unfocused on anything she says watching this annoying mannerism.
So tonight I will watch and probably lose interest after the first 3 minutes of her speech because I know I have heard it all before.
More money for debt free college education more money for free health care. more money for social welfare programs and choke every last dime out of the rich (except for them).
Hopefully like Mr Trump said Julian Assange will do us all a favor and release the 30,000 emails that I am fairly confident that they have from her server that was hidden in the basement protected by the crickets in Chappequa. There is no doubt in my mind that the really GOOD stuff was deleted by the Clintons before the government started to half way scrutinize her email.
Even if they are released and there is damaging material on them the Democrats will just yawn and say “Move on” that is old news. SO Get out there Bobble Head and do your stuff tonight. Maybe you can market the Hillary Bobble Head and add some more money to the Clinton Cash.
God help us if this con artist gets back into the White House…
Although I am sure Bill is drooling over getting to meet the new set of interns.
Tags: Bill Clinton Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Julian Assange
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