Here are a few examples of how irrational and dishonest the Democrats, RINO Republicans and MSM are:
- When I turned on my TV one afternoon this week at 3:45 it appeared that FOX NEWS was streaming the White House daily press conference. That was not what was happening. It was actually Shepard Smith replaying parts of the press conference while discussing it with John Roberts, the current FOX NEWS White House Correspondent. After playing part of the press conference Shepard Smith angrily read off a written list of Sarah Sanders’ statements and replies to various questions, and after each one said “that is not true”. After that he congratulated John Roberts on a “gotcha” question he asked and belittled Sarah Sanders response to the question. It is clear that Shepard Smith does not report the news now and does not even try to hide his open hatred for President Trump and Republicans. It is also becoming obvious that John Roberts has become “infected” with the same strain of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” that the rest of the MSM has.
- California Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff spends every weekend working the Sunday talk shows to push his Trump Russia collusion story. He even leaves closed door Congressional hearings to hold impromptu press conferences about his allegations of Trump Russia Collusion.
- Why is it that the President’s staff cannot get the security clearances they need to do their job in a timely manner? The Obama “holdovers” in various Federal agencies are obviously still doing everything they can to damage the Trump Presidency.
- Nancy Pelosi is on a multi-city speaking tour claiming that the Trump tax cuts only benefit the wealthy and will prevent companies from “investing in the future”.
- The Left is screaming for gun bans starting with what they call “weapons of war” and “assault rifles”. For the record my Remington 742 deer rifle is an auto loader like the AR15 and fires an even heavier bullet than the AR15. It just does not look like an AR15, but it could if various parts were changed. The Virginia Tech shooter killed 32 people and wounded 20 more with two handguns. What the “One World Order” people really want is an unarmed population, which is one they can more easily RULE. Why not just enforce the laws already on the books. Various law enforcement agencies had responded to complaints about the Florida shooter 39 times, he had been expelled from school, and there were multiple complaints filed about his social media post (two with the FBI), but he was still allowed to buy guns! The Texas church shooter was dishonorably discharged from the Air Force for bad conduct but the Air Force did not properly report this to the fire arms purchaser data base so he was allowed to buy guns. His shooting rampage was stopped by a neighbor who fired back at him. The neighbor was a former NRA instructor.
- Democrats and the MSM are openly attacking the NRA and politicians who are associated with it as if the NRA is responsible for mass shootings.
- Judges are getting involved in various voting district realignments and rewriting the lines themselves. This will determine who is elected in these states. The judges claimed that the Republicans were “gerrymandering”. Is that not what the judges are doing with their district realignment?
- Judges are still “legislating from the bench” regarding some of President Trump’s legal executive orders about immigration and DACA.
As noted above it is inarguable that the “One World Order” people will do anything for power and are obsessed with gaining more on November 6, 2018. WE CANNOT LET THAT HAPPEN! I am absolutely convinced that if they do gain power like they had during the Obama Administration they will never give it up again.
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