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Americans are wondering how such a well-engineered republic, with all its time tested traditions and checks and balances, could be turned into a blazing forest fire of political misdeeds and treason by the Obama administration and the traitors within, but as the nation moves into the summer of 2019, many remain hopeful that U.S. Attorney General William Barr, U.S. Attorney John Durham and the fine efforts of men such as Representatives Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy and others will succeed in identifying, prosecuting and imprisoning all involved in the plot against candidate and then President Trump. The nation cannot ‘move on’ until these traitors, these rats who are now jumping their sinking ship, are held accountable for their criminal and unconstitutional actions.
Even prior to President Trump’s declassification order last month, escalating matters in the investigation of the investigators, most of America was already aware of most of the facts, already documented, in the seditious, subversive plot between the Hillary Clinton campaign and many key government figures, including former president Barack Obama, who could not have possibly failed to understand all the action. And now, with a paper trail as wide as Percy Priest Lake and a fouled up coup, the truth is falling down on the traitors’ shoulders like radioactive ash.

Incredulously, during the last week of May, Representative Adam Schiff, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, accused President Trump and Attorney General Barr of attempting to “conspire to weaponize law enforcement and classified information against their political enemies.” This would be hilarious if it weren’t so serious, and if not for the fact that Schiff accused President Trump of the very thing the Democratic Party and then President Obama did for several of his last years in office.

As we now know through many testimonies, Christopher Steele wouldn’t even vouch for his own dossier’s veracity and accuracy. Furthermore, FBI lawyer Lisa Page’s damning testimony before Congress stated that contrary to FBI procedures for counterintelligence operations, Donald Trump’s campaign, supposedly infiltrated by Russians and “colluders”, had not been warned of any such nefarious dealings because the Steele dossier was not reliable enough to necessitate any warning.

If the dossier was not reliable enough to warn Trump’s campaign about the Kremlin’s plot, how could it remotely serve as the basis for obtaining FISA warrants to spy on Donald Trump and his inner circle? America demands a full accounting of who, what, where, when, why and how the dossier was used four, possibly five, times to dupe the FISA Court.

On May 24th, Representative Lindsey Graham, who has emerged as one of President Trump’s most intense and loyal supporters, spoke on Trump’s declassification order and told Fox and Friends: “You’re going to find out the mentality of the people investigating the president. You’re going to find out what they did and said. You’re going to find out that Papadopoulos was not working with the Russians. There’ll be some transcripts coming out where he says, ‘If you did that, that’d be treason.’ So the bottom line is, there’s going to be a lot of information about they were warned Steele was a bad guy and you can’t trust him. They blew through every stop sign”

If Donald Trump wasn’t the subject of the surveillance, as the FBI asserted, then there was no valid reason not to apprise him of the surveillance and what was suspected, during the January 2017 briefing. Who decided not to give the President a FULL briefing on the dossier? Who decided to deliberately hide this from the new Commander-In-Chief?
All of a sudden America is witnessing James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan accusing each other of being guilty of inserting the unreliable Steele Dossier into a presidential assessment since its ridiculous stories and outright lies have been exposed. If they truly believed that this dossier was fact — that the American people faced an existential threat from Donald Trump’s sexual perversions, hatred of Obama and ties with Moscow, a reprobate who stole the election from Hillary  — why are they not vying for all the credit for warning President Obama and the American people, given that they leaked and pushed this narrative over the past three years?

Fox News investigative journalist Catherine Herridge reported last month that an email from former FBI Director James Comey in December 2016 indicates that it was John Brennan who pushed the dossier to be included in the presidential intelligence report. A source inside the CIA blames Comey for pressing the dossier’s inclusion.

Noting that he has seen the report, former Rep. Trey Gowdy has stated it does not look good for John Brennan.

Protesting their innocence, Andrew McCabe and James Comey are at odds too, even though they both swore President Trump remains a threat to the republic and leaked classified documents to the media, supposedly to save us, to save America. McCabe asserts that the Steele dossier was the primary evidence presented to the FISA Court by the FBI, which Comey denies. Why would they be at odds if their leaks were nobly motivated and their cause a righteous one?
The fact that President Trump’s declassification order includes the Department of Treasury and the Department of Energy makes the matter even darker, more intriguing, and, in fact, a critical point that suggests pressure applied on President Trump not to release classified documents was more subversion, and the focus was on using Russian collusion as a way to conceal the FBI’s spying and abuse of power; this was also part of a broader attempt to cover up other massive Democrat corruption, especially the Uranium One Deal and real Russian collusion by Democrats and the true depth of Clinton’s pay-for-play operation within the U.S. State Department, with many people aware of its existence.
The salarymen of the FBI dream of getting the top job, so they play along, which explains Mueller’s motivation as a one-time bag man for Clinton in the Uranium One scheme. And that makes for an extremely vile and dangerous partner when one considers Hillary Clinton’s vermin-like rapacity and her shrewd, corrupt, clever ruthlessness. It’s like selling one’s soul to the devil and realizing too late what a terrible deal one has made.
Abuse of power is to the Democrats what drugs are to the addict, as exhibited by Susan Rice, National Security Advisor under Obama, who regularly unmasked American citizens picked up on NSA surveillance sweeps. Also important to note, Samantha Power, U.N. Ambassador, averaged unmasking someone every working day of 2016, unmasking almost three-hundred; in comparison, John Bolton only unmasked three during his tenure as U.N Ambassador, according to PJ Media.
And by now, it is pretty well acknowledged that elements within the FBI and most likely the CIA conducted an illegal surveillance operation against President Trump. Attorney General Barr has said as much, stating the only remaining thing is to determine if the surveillance was predicated upon the law and through a substantial evidentiary basis. The only decision left is whether or not these people face charges or the whole thing gets swept under the rug.
Some details remain to be confirmed, for instance: Was the entrapment conman Josef Mifsud working for the CIA and/or Britain’s MI6 and/or Hillary Clinton’s Fusion GPS contractor, or Orbis Business Intelligence? I believe America is going to discover very few Russians involved in all of this, but rather, they will see the FBI attempted to infiltrate the Trump campaign and coordinated with Australia and the United Kingdom to frame Donald Trump for collusion, so he could be prevented from taking office or removed from office after the inauguration. The remaining questions aren’t going to be asked by the New York Times.
On May 15th, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. Joe DiGenova explained to Breitbart News Daily: “There was a brazen plot that started before the election, and the plot was to illegally exonerate Hillary Clinton so that she could become president, and then if she lost, there was an insurance policy to frame Donald Trump so he could be prevented from taking office or removed from office after the inauguration. … John Brennan is at the core of this conspiracy. His handymen and acolytes were Clapper and Comey and the senior FBI officials who worked with Comey. Let’s not forget that all of the people in senior levels of the Department of Justice under Obama were involved in this plot. … Loretta Lynch was too dumb to be allowed to lead it,” DiGenova speculated. “This is Brennan Inc.”
No longer standing unified, the drama between Brennan, Comey, and Clapper is just the surface. The Durham investigation could reach out to the FBI and CIA up through the Obama administration, including Attorney General Lynch and the White House itself.
We are in the midst of a morality play, where some of the most unlikely villains have aligned themselves with the cause of tyranny and Evil. And standing against them is the one time billionaire Playboy, President Donald Trump, an unlikely hero. Yet here we are, with the tide turning our way once more.
All of America’s true patriots must raise their voice today and tomorrow and for as long as it takes to arrive at a day of reckoning for these traitors to the republic and our beloved America, otherwise and to our chagrin, we may eventually see the administrative state simply bury this sorry episode of American history. However, make no mistake, the weaponization of federal agencies will happen again, and the next time, America may not be so fortunate to have a president who is strong enough to withstand the onslaught on behalf of the people and the nation.
When due process is ignored and justice is measured by compulsion and our Fourth Amendment Rights against improper searches and seizures seemingly no longer exist, freedom and liberty is endangered. When we see men, who rebuke the Constitution, leverage the law through politics, violating other men’s 6th Amendment right to due process and acquiring power over individual liberty by graft and scheme; and our representatives don’t protect us against them, but rather protects them against the people, our republic is endangered. And when America sees corruption wielding heavy influence and individual liberty so easily dispatched and suppressed, We the People have realized that our freedom too is endangered and soon to perish.
It is no small thing to restore a republic once it has fallen into corruption. It may be that the task is impossible, but it lies before us to do. The alternative offers only a dark future, and thus, it is no option at all. And if we do not try, the Founders’ Republic and the larger war for Western Civilization will be lost.

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