Urgent Communique from Maj Tom Baird, US Army Retired.
Received by Vigileaks 2018-01-20
Sorry for being silent for so long.
It is the quiet before the storm. Prepare 14 days of food and water, pray, and get out of the way. This is not from me but from a patriot supporting our constitutional republic. He is a retired LTC Lieutenant Colonel named Roy Potter who has a multitude of additional sources. Based on what I know from my military background and his stated experiences as well as being a born-again believer in Christ, I trust him. We are in serious times.
From my own observations confirmed by others, there are some evil things going on with bad guys in our government that are of the stay-behind “shadow government” and “deep state” elements put in place by President Obama and others allied with him. The latest “mistaken” notifications of the Hawaii and Japan missile launches with nuclear warheads last Saturday 13 January and this Tuesday January 16 respectively, were not mistaken. The “mistaken” story is a cover-up. (The bad guys are lying to us through the regular main stream media. The bad guys control the main stream media through shared ideologies, connections of influence, and money.) The missile attacks were actual events under the direction of the bad guys buried in our own government linked with others worldwide who intended to get us into WWIII to discredit the president and allow the bad guys to gain total control of our government and ultimately the whole world. There is a whole cabal of these guys. When this is all uncovered we will find the actual code sent that initiated this attack. Fortunately, the good guys for our constitutional republic country, of which I am a part, includes the U.S. Armed Forces and the President, shot down both missiles and destroyed the rogue submarine northwest of Hawaii. Knowing the difficulty of doing all this, it had to be by the hand of God.
The Lord alerted me during this time by placing a heavy, heavy burdened spirit on me that required me to pray in intersession with great agony last week Friday – Sunday 12 – 14 January, and again Monday – Wednesday 15 – 17 January. I did not know for what I was praying, but only knew I had to pray-through until the Lord’s Spirit of peace returned. LTC (retired) Roy Potter has a good summary on the internet of what I believe is certainly what happened. It can be found at website:
Why the secrecy? Two reasons. One, as many as possible bad guys need to be identified. Two, the knowledge of the truth, in this case, would create wide spread panic, or create a crisis which could be used by the bad guys to discredit the President. This would allow the bad guys to initiate another of their plans for total control by starting an armed uprising against police, and large population centers precipitating a civil war, etc. The bad guys control the main stream media, and with it still control much of the population. Without a “false flag” event like what they just tried, their hands are tied at the moment.
All of this may sound crazy, but by my professional knowledge I know it is true. I used to work in the “nuclear” planning and activation staff for the army at the highest level of NATO while stationed in Germany in the 1970’s as one of my top secret jobs. The real warning system is too redundant and complicated to be initiated by mistake. The actual threat and warning were real. All our international enemies know this as well. We really need to thank God for His hand in all this! There is an actual civil war going on in secrecy with murders, dis-information, cover-ups, etc. happening. It hasn’t turned “hot” yet. Pray against this evil, and those instruments of evil involved in this as well as in pizza-gate, pedophile-gate, sex abuse, Lucifer and his followers, etc.
I always knew there were bad guys in our government intelligence and other bureaucracies to include the justice system, but didn’t want to believe their evil, as well as their lust for power and control, was so bad as to kill over a 100,000 and up to over a million of our own citizens with a nuclear bomb, just to get their way. Some of the bad guy leadership was there in Hawaii at the time of the missile launch, but were on an island far removed from the one intended for impact. If the nuclear strike had gone off as planned, what better alibi to better step in and eventually take control of the government? These guys are dangerous, and there is a real power struggle going on between good and evil in the highest levels of our government as I write this!
In the end time these bad guys will be part of the anti-Christ/Beast forces. But, that won’t happen until God’s timing. In all this be prepared. We are a hair’s breath away from disaster and WWIII. Keep your antenna up. Listen to the Lord. Things are happening so fast that except by the grace of God, I won’t be able to help give the warning. God in Christ Jesus is our best source.
The good news is that our position of righteousness in faith with God in Christ Jesus is the best and only place of safety. God is able and will save us even in the middle of a nuclear attack!
Pray against evil like you have never prayed before!
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