First a bit of American history for the uneducated public school attendees and graduates of the past few decades.
This essay will serve to fill in for Gen-Xers and Millennials why conservatives dislike overbearing government intrusion. Unlike the subjects of submission and indoctrination taught today, this lesson will not include the acceptance of alternative lifestyles or gender confusion aboard ships sailing the Atlantic. The readers will be put upon to individually or collectively (I know you like that word) seek and define any micro-aggressions or cultural appropriations for which to find offense.
‘Twas December 16, 1773 when the Sons of Liberty decided to take action against the British government for establishing a tax directly on the Americas for imported tea. The colonists believed that the Tea Act should not include tea ordered from India for shipment directly to the new world.
The Tea Act followed the Stamp Act of 1765. The Stamp Act required all British colonies to use paper produced in Britain and embossed with a revenue stamp for documents used officially as well as many other uses such as newspapers etc. The tax restricted the colonies’ ability to function on their own and procure paper stock from companies and countries of choice outside of Britain’s rule.
These taxes inhibited the freedoms sought by the colonists and the reason for venture to the new land. They forced the colonies to comply with and submit to British rule without having a voice in Parliament representing their own well-being.
The colonists rightfully believed, that beyond restraining their rights and freedoms, the mandated tariffs allowed no input from the affected and offered little benefit. In rebellion to the ever increasing and ongoing taxes the British government demanded from its outlying entities, the Sons of Liberty destroyed an entire shipment of tea by throwing it into Boston harbor. This act of defiance became known as The Boston Tea Party. It was the first in a series of defiant and aggressive acts that culminated with the Revolutionary War.
Fast forward 243 years. We, Americans, find ourselves in a similar situation of obedience through taxation by a government we have submissively allowed to over-regulate every aspect of our lives. We have blindly and ignorantly granted a graduated decline of our economic, moral, spiritual and personal freedoms and rights. Significant and relatively rapid change is needed to avert adverse reaction.
Cloward and Piven, true non-violent anarchists of the 1960s, advocated for the destruction of our financial and economic systems by overwhelming the recently instituted Welfare program. They encouraged people, eligible or not, to participate in government handouts to the point of causing a monetary crisis and breaking the system. The end goal was the socialist ideal of a guaranteed annual income that would end poverty. Their strategy did not take hold as desired until the election of our outgoing president, an ardent disciple of America’s destruction.
As president, Obama has increased the government’s obligation to care for indigents by increasing taxation and regulation on businesses thereby reducing prosperity and employment. Rather than destroying the economy from outside the government as advocated by Cloward and Piven, he managed to suppress the nation from the top post of the United States and the free world. He did so by spending beyond the limits set by congress, inflating the economy and allowing a flood of needy immigrants. By encouraging, if not ordering, his appointed minions in various government agencies to enact unnecessary regulations handicapping business and job growth, they also contributed to the stagnation of our economy.
In his eight year span, President Obama expanded the welfare rolls by seeing to it that meaningful and gainful employment was minimized. (Between 2009 and 2016 welfare spending grew by nearly 19% and $150 billion.) The 84 year old Frances Fox Piven is proud of the accomplishment regretting only that her husband, Richard Cloward, is no longer alive to share in celebration.
In 2008 and without cohesive leadership, men and women banded in small groups throughout America managing to command attention under such names as TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party Patriots. The effort was recognizably insufficient to stifle the oncoming destruction. Either the president’s loyal followers continue to ignorantly deny the promised change as detrimental to the stability of the nation and the world or they accept and laud the affect of the design. The rise in popularity of Bernie Sanders is testimony to such sentiment.
Through the bi-annual elections since 2008, the people of the country have shown their support for the Constitution and disgust with the despotic, Marxist rule of our current administration by electing Republicans in all phases of government. With the election of 2016, there comes a significant change in the attitude and being of our national leaders. From the White House to congress to the governorships throughout the land, the people have shown their desire to return the nation to one of respect for the laws, opportunity and prosperity.
While it is yet too early to predict the outcome, the transition team is putting together a cabinet of patriotic military generals and other ranking officers who are disciplined and capable of righting the country once again. Their respect for the country and fellow countrymen is entirely different from the recent past administrations.
If the president elect can effect half of his campaign statements, there will be no need for a second confrontational uprising during the 244th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party as the government will no longer be one of repugnance and oppression. It will instead be one of support and security for the citizens.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good fight!
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