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Ever since the Election of Donald Trump to the Office of President of the United States of America the Congress has served as a stage for auditions for the worst dramatic actor.  These would be actors have gone through the most absurd histrionics that would make any acting coach barf, they don’t even stand a chance of even getting into a dinner theater cast with a non-speaking part.

The latest bad actor award will go to Senator Cory Booker claiming that he was placing his seat in jeopardy by disclosing files in violation of Senate Rules, about Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh, that were classified as confidential.  In an ‘I am Spartacus Moment’ stated that the public’s need to know was more important than his Senate Seat, after all of this self-sacrificing melodrama it was announced that the files were not classified.   The dramatic moment suddenly sputtered, fizzled, and went Ahhh, Errr, Duh, Oops, it was just another cheap self-serving political stunt, that was supposed to make Booker look like Presidential material for the 2020 election.

Senator Booker’s crash and burn has made it clear that he is not Presidential Material for 2020.

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