The recent elections according to most of the mainstream media, pundits and commentators, were a windfall for the democrats.
Victories in the New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races, and other local defeats of republican candidates, were seen as a harbinger of things to come in the 2018 midterm elections. However there were just as many commentators that I believe were more objective in their views on the results, and dispelled all the hype and wishful thinking. And of course what would a democrat victory be without the one person that is to blame for the republican’s loss, and is the cause of all our fears and trepidations, President Trump.
However you view the results, whatever you party affiliation, those Americans who voted and whose candidate lost, will feel the outcome as more personal and the loss disquieting. Such is the case in New York City whose residents, in an abysmal turnout (28%), reelected Bill de Blasio for mayor. The Daily News, a left of center tabloid, on November 05, devoted an entire editorial in effect denouncing the democrat. This is one rare case where the News did not endorse any candidate in the race for mayor. I believe had it decided to do so, and choose the republican nominee, the outcome could have been different and the city better served.
The Daily News made a valiant effort in their editorial, but its words went unseen in the city of the blind. The city that “never sleeps” took a nap several years ago. Upon awakening, although the lights were still glaring, there was the hustle and bustle in the streets of the people, the honking of horns and wailing of sirens, all of the many attributes of a teeming, fast-paced metropolis were there, but there was also something else that emerged out of the cacophony, and it would dramatically and drastically usurp tradition and the values New Yorkers have lived by for generations. For many there was sense of foreboding, like a dark shadow had swept over the city while in its brief respite; some would say it lost its heart and soul, and direction.
It actually took some years for this to happen; but slowly it has manifested itself, and in 2013 reached its current state with the election Mr. de Blasio. This radical and ethically challenged mayor’s, who has been subjected to several criminal probes, contribution to the city’s deterioration was to introduce into its social and cultural fabric the morally corrupt and perverted construct we call progressivism. Its blind ideologically depraved followers, spread throughout the five Burroughs, are as much to blame for the city’s regression as is the mayor. They care not for the good of all residents, but only their own selfish, self-serving government menu of goodies and handouts.
What is just as troubling, under this mayors leadership with the support of community extremists and activists, is the dangerous and detrimental effects his governance has had on what I believe to be a dispirited and compromised New York City Police Department. There has recently been an uptick in crime; I believe the rank and file have taken a step back and is no longer policing aggressively. It has recently been revealed that the beat cop is wary of the job and uncertain of how to police; they fear reprisal from their leaders and the community.
The blind allegiance I speak of has once again given Mr. de Blasio another four years to continue to infect the city with his dastardly deeds and radical philosophical agenda that will sooner or later bring New York to her knees. Here indeed is a case where if this mayor had been found guilty of corruption, he managed to escape it, or anything else that called for legal action, his supporters would still find reason as indecent as it may be to vote for him. Their pitiful and they know no better, and as long as they get what they think they deserve, no matter the consequences and harm it may do this once great city, well it’s just all collateral damage. Oh, and lest I forget, New York is now a sanctuary city, and you know what that means.
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