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Anyone seeing the few newscasts or many YouTube videos of the “demonstrations” in D.C. over the past weekend has to feel bad for the tolerant left. They are so out of touch with reality, so uncaring and abusive that they don’t care what or whom they destroy.

In particular there is one video of men in black destroying the windows of a Starbucks. One CNN video showed customers inside, ducking behind tables and fearing for their lives not knowing what might happen next. That makes the demonstration a terrorist act in almost anybody’s book.

The thing I find particularly funny is that Starbucks President and CEO, Kevin Johnson and Chairman of the Board, Howard Schultz are a couple of the most democracy defiant progressive liberals and Trump haters on the planet. Starbucks is, and has been, the socialist icon and hangout of the past three decades.

These idiots were simply destroying property and they didn’t care if it was repressive government property or that of like minded individuals. It was opportunity not unlike Ferguson or Baltimore or anywhere that progressives can gather to cause mayhem and destruction.

According to some accounts they were paid by Soros step down organizations to cause disruption, chaos and engage police. Starbucks is one of the many progressive owned enterprises that donates large sums of what could be employee profit sharing to the radical Soros groups.

The “demonstrators” just act with Twitter fed mob mentality. They are angered by their own lives. They will probably be the politicians or professors of the future. I seriously doubt that there is a private sector income earner in the group. In fact, I question if there are any income earners in the group at all, even those currently drawing a wage from the public sector.

All this took place during and shortly after the inauguration. There was no time to see if any of the policies of the new administration would be to their liking or benefit. It was all caused because the whining vagina did not receive her crown. It was scripted and directed by the same people who drove the government for the past eight years.  At least that won’t happen any more.


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