I have read nearly everything that has been written by a great many very articulate and good wordsmiths. I have only submitted an article once. It was about “fake news” and the most deadly ghost guns being used in various and asunder crimes. None of that here.
I’m old enough now to be called a “senior citizen.” Over the employed years, the first 20 were in broadcast radio, both programming and morning radio shows from here in WV to Portland, OR. All but a few were rock and roll, some country. The last 25 found me in some sort of criminal investigation. I only had the power of a court ordered subpoena and search warrants. Wrote all this to say, my go to decompression tactic was either under a set of KOSS headphones or out in front of a pair of BOSE speakers. The go to artists have been primarily “ASIA.” Recently, actually yesterday I was tuned in and heard lyrics that stuck me differently. John Wetton (RIP) or John Payne lead singers. The lyrics were singing about “one world.” I have no affinity for that liberal progressive school of thought.
I can assure you there is a “one world” coming and those others will deny this no matter how it may be formatted. Their one world currency, one world government and border-less countries is a far cry from the one we will see. “We” here refers to the saving sovereign grace of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and the personal relationship we have with Him. I suspect that many of the readers of i Patriot and their writers know this. If not let me tell you! This Monday, December 25th, 2017 we celebrate the day of His birth. He came into this world as a baby, born to both Mary and her husband Joseph both from the lineage of King David. Again most know this story. It is not a story. You verify it every time you write the year “2017.” In God we trust appears on our coins, paper money, and court house portico’s all around this country. This does not refer to our newest and best President, but he does agree, and I like that. Obama’s war on Christianity for the past 8 years has been disgusting. Sorry my brain left for a Bahamas short spell and I’ve never been there.
Jesus came to this world those 2017 years ago to be born of a virgin, his mother Mary. He had to come as He did. He came as both God and Man. That was the only way to be both God and Man. You know the Christmas story. But do you know Him. His birth and life from the Christmas we celebrate is not a specific date but has come to be the date we do celebrate. He came as the perfect Lamb, sinless in His life. That life at about 33 years of age was the year he came to this world to die. He did die. Not killed but surrendered His life/soul to the Father from the Cross at Calvary. There is one thing that has haunted me in my quiet moments and devotions. He suffered great pain, beaten with a whip leaving numerous bloody stripes across back and legs. He was spit upon, had a crown of thorns driven down into the His head and was forced to carry His own cross to the place of the skull (Golgotha) There He was tied to a cross with spikes driven into each hand and into His crossed feet. With all than He was lifted up and the cross dropped into the ground. Why did He have to suffer that bad. It was because there He accepted the sins of all mankind. So bad His father God had to look away. The light overhead became dark. From the cross His body was removed and taken to a tomb given by Joseph of Arimathea. At that tomb Jesus was laid in burial clothing. A large stone was rolled into place and metal used to seal that tomb entry with two Roman guards. On the third day “as He said”, he arose from the dead. Prior to His ascension back to His Father, He appearedto many of the people whom He knew, He arose from the dead.
Simply, Jesus came to this world, born as a baby to later die as a man and was also God and Man. The scriptures state. If you believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ though shall be saved. If that is new to you look for a church near or around you and darken its door. Speak to the pastor or a friend who knows you there. They will be extremely glad to know your decision and help you learn more. Now what about that One World I spoke of earlier. Jesus said if He went away he would return to take you to be with Him there and prepares a mansion for you. The One World, getting closer to when HE returns to take US out as believers in the Rapture. This leads to the tribulation period, 7 years of 3 and 1/2 good ones, and 3 and 1/2 bad ones. During this time the anti-Christ will be revealed and at that end. We will all return with Him and all those who have gone before. Christ will rein over all the earth for 1000 years. Do you want to be in with that. I do, I am, I will. Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem to be the Capitol of Israel is one of the prophetic steps needed to happen as we move closer to HIS return.
Thank you President Trump.
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