Last week an investigative journalist published an expose on a mosque in New Hampshire that apparently is preaching “jihad.”
Investigator Dave Gaubatz found a lot of material promoting jihad — it’s not the peaceful type of jihad in gaining control over one’s own character. It’s the violent conquer-the-world type. As an example one pamphlet states “Islam is a revolutionary ideology and programme which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world… Jihad refers to that revolutionary struggle and utmost exertion which the Islamic Party brings into play to achieve this objective… Islam wishes to press into service all forces which can bring about a revolution…”
What did the chairman of the Islamic Society of New Hampshire (Mohammed Ewiess) have to say about it? “These unsubstantiated charges are full of lies and have spread distrust of his community.” What did Alderman Chairman Patrick Long have to say about it? “Personally this hate talk has no place in this city.” Alderman-at-Large Dan O’Neil chimed in with “There is no need in the city of Manchester for hatred. I know this board won’t stand for it; our citizens won’t stand for it.” New Hampshire Police Chief Nick Willard echoed those sentiments by stating “Gaubatz stokes the flames of fear, but he does so through hatred, bigotry and intolerance. His Islomophobia has no place in our country…”
A local newspaper, The New Hampshire Union Leader, reported the criticism of Gaubatz and the reaction of law enforcement officials and mosque leaders without any ink whatsoever being used as to the results of Gaubatz’s investigation.
Political correctness produces this typical knee-jerk reaction whenever a mosque is investigated for promoting violent jihad.
What prior research has shown definitively is that violent jihad literature is more the norm in American mosques than the exception. Back in 1998 a Sufi leader by the name of Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani personally visited 114 mosques in our United States. In his testimony at a State Department Open Forum (Jan 1999), his opinion was that about 80% of mosques taught “extremist ideology.” In 2005 the Center for Religious Freedom conducted a study and found that upwards of 80% of the mosques here in our freedom loving United States were preaching hatred towards the Jews and Christians along with the necessity of imposing Islamic rule. In 2008 the Mapping Sharia Project found that exact same percentage. In 2011 the study “Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques” published in the Middle East Quarterly also found about 80% of mosques teaching jihad warfare and Islamic supremacism. In addition they discovered that in 84.5% of mosques, the violence-positive texts were recommended for study by the imam’s, and 58% of mosques had invited guest imam preachers who had already promoted violent jihad. The statement they made that really leaped out at me personally was “That means around 1,700 mosques in the U.S. are preaching hatred of infidels and justifying violence against them.”
Considering the larger context of four different independent studies done over 13 years, all obtaining that same approximate 80% startling figure, just how intelligent do those remarks now appear by the New Hampshire alderman, police chief, and chairman of the Islamic Society? When another mosque is investigated, why is it that the first thing out of local officials mouths is the ever so predictable “hatred” and “Islamophobia” charges? I always had thought independent studies and facts were what we were supposed to base our opinions on rather than political left propaganda.
Can you imagine the public outcry that would ensue if a Christian church was found to be promoting hatred towards Muslims and violence towards non-Christians along with the overthrow of Islamic governments?
The headlines would fill TV screens for days. It wouldn’t matter a whit if it was only 1 or 2 churches; the mainstream media would have a field day with it. However, when the shoe is on the other foot, 80% is non-newsworthy. The double standards are appalling, and I truly believe that by turning a blind eye on such a growing problem we are insuring that our United States will soon be another Europe suffering terrorist outbreaks on a continually ongoing basis.
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