Totalitarian systems are built to rule the people, not represent them. All totalitarian systems are related and are explained by and structured with Marxism, including globalist, communist, fascist, monarchies, dictatorships, etc.
As long as the government, by force and control, rules the people instead of representing them, Marx’s system of socialism is consistent.
What is antithetical to Marxism is government that represents the people instead of ruling them. A government that protects individual rights to life, liberty and property. People give government the power of force to avoid the messy nature of self defense while they are trying to produce and interchange values.
The United States of America was formed by this concept in rebellion against the tyranny of rule. It was formed as a representative Republic. As Franklin readily noted it is a very fragile form of government which is easily perverted into some form of Marxism by special interests within and outside of the power structure.
While government is restricted to protecting the rights of individual citizens the size and function of government is controlled and corruption can be isolated and punished.
These restrictions can be implemented with three simple rules:
1) no system of justice can put preference over reason,
2) no legislature or product of legislature (legislation or law) can put the privilege of any collective over the rights of any individual
3) no executive can apply laws for one person or group of people differently from another.
Corruption enters within and without by vested interests. Within, judges, legislators and executives want immunity and impunity. That must be prevented and punished. Without, business and special interests want preferential treatment. That must be prevented and punished. Again, simple enough, but once the special interests become entrenched, very difficult in practice. “Draining the swamp” is no simple task because the swamp was permitted to form and grow to unmanageable proportions.
The problem of technology and infrastructure is, in a way, easier, because it can be dealt with by decentralizing. Whether roads or Internet, each community should decide and pay for what it can and should contribute based on cost/benefit.
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