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Editorial credit: Andrew Cline / Diego G Diaz / Evan El-Amin / lev radin / 1082492116 /

The bulk of the likely Democrat candidates for President all made an appearance at the “We the People” conference this past week.

There was a lot of “red meat” tossed out to the rabid leftwing attendees, but the most shocking thing about the entire event was the sheer amount of socialism that was embraced by “serious” presidential contenders.

Watch for yourself and understand this… if Republican voters don’t get more active, socialism IS coming to America, and soon.

Here’s Bernie Sanders:

Here’s Elizabeth Warren:

Here’s Cory Booker:

Here’s Beto O’Rourke:

And there are others in the full video at the top of the page.

iPatriot Contributers


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