Martial Law is fast approaching. It may suddenly be activated for natural or man-made disasters. More than likely, as Obama agitates around the world for war, his obsession to be the first Black FDR will prevent the next election with another “Pearl Harbor,” contrived to keep him in office indefinitely!
As the “Hour of Martial Law” is nearly upon us, this red alert answers important questions for dealing with martial law: Are there secret rooms in government post offices? Is the U.S. Post Office a tool of the globalists for destroying nationalism? What are the imminent martial law plans for your post office? What are the anti-Constitutional martial law plans for you and your family?
Today, at least 130 U.S. post offices and postal annexes have been constructed with a secret upper room! It is usually the only room on the second floor! These are upper “mezzanine rooms.” These modern secret rooms violate the fire code in every state! Because there is only one door at the top of the stairs! These are illegally-built rooms, indicating the architects may be from other countries – unaware of state fire codes – and the globalists used foreigners for design in order to preserve secrecy.
One of several actual blueprints is revealed above! These secret rooms on the blueprints are each designated as a “Criminal Investigation Unit” right on these NWO architectural drawings. These blueprints reveal, inside this secret room, two black-curtained windows and one door. The black curtains, fastened securely at the bottom, conceal two one-way mirror windows (these windows appear as mirrors to the staff working below and outside the room). The windows each have two panes of bullet-proof glass with wire mesh in-between, which is impossible to break!
During martial law, once a person or family is brought to this room, after interrogation they will either be taken back down the stairs and straight out the rear door for transport – or, according to the blueprints, will be forced to go down a square floor opening at the right rear of the room, into a 1st-floor room 4-ft. high, directly below, to await transport…
Under martial law, these secret rooms will be activated all across America! The New World Order draconian plan is fully underway in America, as foreign UN troops and FEMA police-state regional police, with indoctrinated Marxist multicultural post office workers, bring you and your frightened loved ones to this secret room! Now do you understand why the New World Order management-by-crisis media cartel has been conditioning the public for postal worker gun control? They want no patriotic resistance from U.S. postal workers aimed at UN troops, FEMA police state regional police, “state police,” and immigrant postal workers who feel no patriotism toward the U.S.
How can this be? Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons! Martial law, in all probability declared during the next terrorist attack in America – whether real or staged – will signal the roundup of American citizens beginning with the Red List. This is made easier when Americans have to register once a week at their local post office – and the “undesirables” and those suspected of “someday going to commit a thought crime” are taken from the lower floor to the upper secret room.
And Americans who don’t show up for this executive-order registration will be in violation of the law and also taken initially to this secret room. Martial law can also be declared in times of increased tension overseas, in times of economic problems within the United States (which the globalists are creating themselves to manage the crisis their way), as well as during a Depression, civil unrest, demonstrations, in a drug crisis, and in scenes like the L.A. riots and/or in a nuclear war scenario!
Under martial law, Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration for all persons! Under this order, you will be ordered to report to your local post office to be separated and assigned a new area. HERE IS WHERE FAMILIES WILL BE SEPARATED! (See actual blueprints) As sworn federal law enforcement agents, Postal Inspectors have the power to serve warrants and subpoenas issued under the authority of the United States; to make arrests without warrant for postal-related offenses committed in their presence; to make arrests without warrants for postal-related felonies cognizable under the laws of the United States, if they have reasonable grounds to believe the person arrested has committed or is committing a felony, carry firearms, and make seizures of property as provided by law.
Overlapping jurisdiction often requires collaboration with other federal, state and local authorities. The software for this is in place.
Postal inspectors have developed close working relationships – including “partnering” – with other agencies that facilitate such cooperation. Included will soon be foreign UN troops and FEMA police-state regional police, with indoctrinated multicultural post office workers – with no local allegiances – forcing you and your family into this secret room!
The United Nations has an agenda for the U.S. Post Office! The UN has been dictating USPS Facility Relocation Regulations! Local and national leaders around the world are following the UN blueprint for “global management” and “sustainable communities.” In a 1997 letter congratulating the UN Local Agenda 21 Advisory Board in Santa Cruz for completing their action plan, Congressman Sam Farr wrote, “The UN Local Agenda 21 action plan not only has local significance, it also will have regional and national impacts.” The Agenda 21 global contract binds governments around the world to the UN plan for changing the ways we communicate. If left unchecked, it will soon manage and monitor all lands and people!
The neighborhood post office is a dark player for UN Local Agenda 21! ((UN Agenda has now become UN Agenda 2030.) In terms of post offices and annexes, this agenda is already driving your “community development.” But be assured, the main cuplrit to UN Agenda 21 is Judeo-Christian values and that is why everything is being done now, to America, for de-Christianization.
Under UN Agenda 21 Facility Relocation Regulation 241.4, “Emergency situations include, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, earthquakes, floods, fire, lease terminations, safety factors, environmental causes, or any other actions that would force an immediate relocation from an existing facility.” That is, for example, older post offices who do not have the secret rooms, can be discontinued and replaced under Executive Order 12072 and Executive Order 13006. Construction of new post offices, under the UN plans for martial law and for how the UN wants to communicate, are then underway! As Congressman Ron Paul and the editors of New American Magazine warn, “Let’s get the US out of the UN! And let’s do it now!” The UN is a strong arm of the globalist anti-Constitutional world government takeover.
In the Construction Dodge Magazine and The Oregon Contractor Magazine there were 34 new post offices going out to bid in Oregon and S.W. Washington. We see an owner which plays a part in these new post offices is Denver Facilities Service, 8055 Tufts Avenue #400, Denver, Colorado 80237. The following are actual blueprints of the secret rooms in Lake Forest, Illinois, and Gurnee, Illinois. But there are now over 130 known post offices with NWO secret rooms for martial law detention!
Now that the American Sovereignty-stealing and Constitution-ignoring United Nations controls the Internet since October 1st, 2016, it is urged you get this info to as many as possible today!
Tags: United Nations
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