Sorry to have to rehash and impose what most of you by now have come to know, but for purposes here let’s briefly go over once again some facts. $35 million cost, 2800+subpoenas, 500+witnesses, 675 days spent in the Mueller investigation. I’m sure you’re familiar with this information, and by now most of you know the outcome, no collusion or obstruction worthy of prosecuting a sitting president. You would have thought by now that when the report was issued and Attorney General Barr held his press conference and delivered his 4-page summary that would have ended it. Not so fast friend, hold your horses.
Democrats waited patiently for their appointed crusader, special investigator Mueller, to deliver the goods and fulfill their most fervent desire, IMPEACHMENT, but it was not to be. Once again their world was shattered and became a darker place, their reason for living was dashed on the altar of truth and the facts; they were crushed once again by the Trump express train blaring out, VINDICATED.
Disheartened and crestfallen democrats now seek refuge in their only alternative; begin another contrived and senseless investigation into whether there was in fact occasion where obstruction of justice could have occurred. They base this on the Mueller report that discussed ten incidents of what might be considered instances of where the president sought to interfere with the investigation. Most of his supporters and non-partisans, however, believe in these cases the president was just lashing out, frustrated and angry at what he and many believed to be a “witch hunt”, or perhaps even a “deep state” coup de tat.
We should all resign ourselves to the fact that nothing will stop Democrats; they are a confused party in conflict and disarray and have no substantive policies or legislation to offer, other than extreme out of the mainstream proposals by the current crop of presidential candidates. And so the usual suspects- you know who they are- in the party, along with their enablers in the media and entertainment industry are out in full battle array; guns blazing, propaganda spewing, to bring this president down, one way or another. And while this chaotic agenda is imposed on the American people, majorities who in surveys say stop the nonsense and get back to the business at hand, important matters are ignored and left to fester.
Threats of more subpoenas, members of the administration requested to appear before committees to testify, in some cases for the second time, all in an effort to find something, anything to prove the president broke the law, any law. I can guarantee that if you ask a Democrat, in a private conversation, to say the first thing that comes to mind, in whatever setting you may be, it will be IMPEACHMENT. It is now written in their DNA.
Throughout history, the world has had its share of despots and tyrants that caused great destruction and harm. That one man, in postmodern America, a builder and businessman who at one time was in the favor of his now enemies, can cause such a breakdown in the lives of so many people, driving them to the very brink of mental exhaustion and debilitation is both amazing and sad.
The last two-plus years has been a time of unchecked fanaticism, great unrest and unabashed hateful rhetoric, most of it directed at the president. Since that very first day he descended on the escalator on his way to the presidency, a day has not gone by where the Democrats, media, Hollywood and the cultural left have dragged his name through the mud, attacked his family and questioned his sanity and competence.
The Democratic Party has regressed, and I believe for some time now they’ve been traveling down an erratic and reckless path. Whatever the outcome and wherever this will lead only time will tell, but when considering their extreme and radical agenda and positions on issues ranging from abortion, social programs, religious liberty, it looks bleak and cannot be good for the country.
Most of us by now are probably asking ourselves, will all this ever end, and what the outcome will look like. Will we reach a point when all the hate and reckless incessant partisan bickering comes to an amicable end. Will all the insults, incivility, inflammatory rhetoric, and ad hominem attacks fall to the wayside, and will all sides shake hands and move forward. Regrettably, I don’t think so. To add to the dilemma, Robert Mueller did not help matters with his recent press conference that was a study in confusion and contradiction.
There is one thing, however, that has been revealed for all the nation, even the world to see, and that is, the presidents enemies have made just about every conceivable effort, made countless accusation for one reason or another, threatened impeachment, and thrown the often mentioned “kitchen sink” at him. There has not been a day that has gone by in the past two-plus years, not one that I can recall when Mr. Trump has not been badgered, insulted and defamed. But, as we have all come to learn, this president is usually the last man standing and has an ability to weather just about any storm. And through it all, whatever the issue, and throughout his detractors, constant attacks, when the smoke clears this president is still defiant to the anger and frustration of his enemies.
The 17th century English writer John Dryden wrote: “Errors (lies) like straw upon the surface flow, he who would search for pearls must dive below”. The search for answers is now in the hands of Attorney General William Barr who will investigate the origins of this witch hunt, when and where it began and by whom. I believe he will have to submerge himself in the swamp; he will have to dive deep, fend off the vermin and bottom feeders, to find the pearls of truth.
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