Am I going to be called a racist if I say America has been blinded by the burqua long enough? No… I’d be called a xenophobe…someone who is afraid of anything foreign. (Note to self… Islam is not a race… it’s an ideology followed by many different people groups around the world.) That makes it inclusive…a melting pot if you will… so I guess it’s as American as apple pie. We just have to get over our ignorance and face facts… the United States has no room for Conservative folks like us anymore. We’re as antiquated as the Liberty Bell.
We blew it. We elected a fascist President who wants America to be a spiteful racist country and we are his ignorant followers. Since I’m giving into the diatribe of the Resistance Movement… let me go a bit further and explain… how I have come to be the racist… you liberals say I am.
I am a racist because I am a woman of Middle Eastern descent. But it is the WRONG descent. No, wait a minute.
I’m not sure that is politically correct. The problem with me is not that I am Jewish. The problem is that I support Israel. According to Linda Sarsour, Prime Minister Netanyahu is a “waste of a human being” and a bigot. By the way Trump is a bigot as well. Linda says that Netanyahu and Trump are two “bigoted peas in a hateful pod,” and she is qualified to know because she is a “civil rights” activist.
In the name of justice, which racists like myself cannot understand, both Linda Sarsour and the Muslim Brotherhood have partnered with the Black Lives Matter Movement in America. Black lives are very important to Muslims in Mauritania. Descendants of Arab invaders have black slaves their jihadist forefathers won fair and square when they conquered the country. The slaves have converted to Islam but they are not allowed to touch the Quran. But this is not racist because the Quran says that Arabs are the superior race. Even their prophet Muhammad bought two black slaves.
When the Nation of Islam’s leader, Louis Farrakhan spoke to black members at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Miami back in 2015, he said he was looking for “10,000 fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny…So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.”
I am racist because I believe many Muslims are encouraging Americans to revolt against President Trump so as to further their own political regime. I am racist because I do not support the Islamic demands of Sharia in our school system and do not want the violence of Islamic refugees in Europe repeated in the United States. I am intolerantly uninterested in worshipping Allah. I am definitely not interested in becoming his slave.
I am racist because I do not trust the actions of the “prophet” Muhammad as he encouraged his followers to migrate… immigrate to other countries for the purpose of eventually dominating them. In the Quran this is referred to as hijrah. I am racist because I am proud of a President who stands in the face of name calling and calls a Trojan horse a Trojan horse.
Am I a xenophobe as well? You betcha! I do not trust foreign ideologies that promote prophets who enslave and rape little girls. I do not trust immigrants who say they need refuge, but once in our country, demand that we follow Sharia, observe Islamic holidays and burn our flag.
Color me brainwashed, but when liberals demand foreign governmental styles, and Resistance throws Christianity aside to embrace witch coven spells against our president then yes… I am against the foreign stuff.
The way I see it…if Muslims believe Sharia law is from Allah… and the world would be better off under Sharia… and the Quran encourages hijrah… and it is their responsibility to obey Allah instead of the laws of the land…and Muhammad had slaves…and Muslims seek to emulate their prophet….then… Islam + America Civil Rights Activists do not actually = Justice… but SLAVERY. Then again… what do I know? I’m just an ignorant racist. Maybe someone needs to call a Muslim to come do the math…oh wait… they already did.
Tags: Black Lives Matter liberals Muslim Brotherhood Terrorism Trump
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