Beyond sad and heartbreaking, many millions of patriotic Americans watch in dismay and anger, as millions of other citizens of our nation cast votes to make Hillary Clinton the next U.S. President, even though she is the consummate Machiavellian liar and takes to anti-American agendas, corruption and treason like a bear to a honey pot. But FBI scrutiny intensified in March, and according to statements made by U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova and former U.S. Attorney General Michel Mukasey, Hillary’s lies have paved the path towards a criminal prosecution. And, the surfacing truth concerning many of Clinton’s past and present activities suggests Hillary must be given a prison cell, rather than handed the most powerful position in the world.
Although Obama is trying to minimize the serious national security implications and ramifications of Hillary Clinton keeping top secret information on her personal phone, BlackBerry and server, making light of the “top secret” classification, the beginning of her end, if it comes around, may be found in this reply to a July 2014 Freedom of Information Act request from the House Select Committee on Benghazi: “no records responsive to your request were located.”
Last month, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post and the New York Times reported that FBI immunity was granted to Bryan Pagliano, former Hillary staffer, who implemented her illegal national security breaching email scheme. It is also highly likely, given the circumstances, that Department of Justice prosecutors have already convened a grand jury, as the FBI prepares to interview top senior Clinton aides.
During her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton used her private server in Chappaqua, NY exclusively, in a self-serving act motivated by her desire to hide questionable and illegal acts, like the approximate $3 million in kickbacks the Clinton Foundation received after Secretary Clinton signed off on a deal between Uranium One, Rosatom and the Russians. She established this entire system to avoid the law, and she might have succeeded, if not for the efforts of groups like Judicial Watch and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and their numerous unanswered FOIA requests that opened suspicion of official misconduct and criminal activity by Secretary Clinton.
Hillary’s first known BlackBerry communication through her basement server was a January 28th, 2009 exchange with Gen. David Petraeus, then Chief of U.S. Central Command, and yet, she falsely testified before Congress under oath that she didn’t use “” prior to March 18th, 2009. She did not want Americans to know that she had been warned on February 13th, 2009, her BlackBerry and email were not secure.
Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security Eric Boswell had explained to Hillary and Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s Chief of Staff, on several occasions that her BlackBerry and private server were vulnerable to security breaches. State Department security officials, including Clinton, were also aware of a February 24th, 2009 speech by Joel Brenner, Chief Counter-Intelligence Officer at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, that explained a BlackBerry can be easily tagged, tracked, monitored and exploited as one moves about in public; Brenner also observed the technological fact that this malware can migrate to one’s home server.
On March 10th, 2015 at a news conference, Hillary, in flat denial, stated “There is no classified material” [on her server]. Cheryl Mills audaciously filed a letter with the State Department and U.S. District Judge Emmett Sullivan (overseeing Judicial Watch lawsuit) that states, in part, “On matters pertaining to the conduct of government business, it was her practice to use the officials’ government email accounts.” Both statements have proven to be false, and along with numerous other false statements from Clinton and Huma Abedin and Mills, her co-conspirators, they are felonies under 18 United States Code Section 1001.
Twenty-two Clinton emails were so highly classified that they were withheld in their entirety from public release and elicited this response from Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, who told The Post, “… sensitive and obviously classified. This information should have been maintained in the most secure, classified, top secret servers.”
Hillary’s assertion that these 22 emails were not “marked top secret” is dishonest, and the State Department clarified and certified on April 15th that they were in fact marked “top secret”, having been sent to or received from Pres. Obama. Marked top secret or not, the oath Hillary took on January 22nd, 2009, charges her under the law to recognize state secrets when she sees them by assessing an email’s potential to harm the government’s national security mission.
On March 4th, 2015, CBS News reported that Clinton’s private email was reconfigured two on two separate occasions in 2012 and 2013, to provide a backup server, in case her server failed. However, using this system at MX Logic, her emails were open to being read, tapped or forwarded to anyone across the globe without anyone knowing, since MX decrypted them to check for viruses before reencrypting them and sending them on.
The transmission and removal of information relating to the national defense from its proper place of custody is a criminal offense under the Espionage Act. So too is the abstraction and willful destruction of such information. See also 18 U.S. Code 2071 _ prohibiting destruction of records.
Time and again, Hillary Clinton flouted U.S. law through her blatant refusal to follow the guidelines of the Federal Records Act and her impediments to numerous FOIA requests; and, she and her co-conspirators, Abedin, Mills and others, violated the Espionage Act, as they removed all Clinton email records from the State Department from the beginning. Clinton’s willful and arbitrary destruction of thousands of other emails compounds her crimes, since they more than likely contained incriminating evidence that pertained to the Benghazi investigation.
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters bluntly and boldly told FoxNews, “Hillary is a criminal.”
Hillary Clinton’s numerous devil-may-care violations of the Espionage Act are criminal acts and an arrogant abuse of power, which warrant the appointment of a Special Counsel and Hillary’s prosecution, if only Americans will generate a public outcry and a demand for her indictment. Obama’s administration saw fit to prosecute nine lesser cases involving state secrets, so certainly Hillary should not be allowed to escape prosecution simply by virtue of her popularity with those citizens, who do not value honor and integrity and who do not care about national security and that her gross negligence and Muslim appeasement policy at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi resulted in the murders of four brave Americans, or that a conspiracy in the Obama administration sought to hide the truth afterwards. Rather than chant “Hillary Clinton for President”, many Americans are now chanting “Hillary Clinton for Prison.”
Tags: featured Hillary Clinton Huma Abedin Loretta Lynch President Barack Obama
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