The mysterious message was delivered to my post office box. It had no return address or anything identifying the sender on the plain letter-sized envelope. With hesitation I opened it and found an unsigned typewritten letter, which is usually a sign of trouble. There was only a half page of the neatly typed written communiqué. Attached was what appeared to be a business brochure with a woman’s photo.
Reading the totally unexpected content, the body inhabited by this unworthy Australopithecus, almost made direct contact with the floor. The writer stated that he or she had read one of my books and in it I mentioned a man whom I had met on a TV program who that correspondent knew.
The man mentioned was an engineer with a national Christian Broadcasting network. I became acquainted with him and bonded with him and his wife. I was a regular on the program and looked forward to seeing him each time I flew there.
When he left the network he worked with me to produce my own TV program, You Are Special, which debuted without fanfare on a station in Detroit, was an immediate hit, then picked up on the satellite beaming it worldwide. Commercial TV stations, such as one in Connecticut, that would not allow any “religious” program to even buy the time slot on their station, offered the time slot to me at no charge, “Because,” they said, “the program is good for the people.”
After my series was completed, with great success, the engineer took a job with another TV network and then was out of sight for the next 30 years, Even though we had not been in touch, he was not out of mind. He loved God, was excellent in his profession and was a very good friend.
I read the letter, beginning with: “Dear Rev. Miles.” and was informed that my good friend had “transgendered to female” about 10 years ago and the current name of my now, new woman friend, was given. The address was given as well as two telephone numbers. I would learn that the brochure photo was my transitioned friend.
The next morning I cautiously dialed one of the numbers. He was welcoming even though cautious. He would say later that he was afraid of how I might react. It was important to him to find out.
I asked what had brought him to this decision and he revealed that he was born with the physiology of both a male and a female. In medical terms, he was a hermaphrodite. “It was hell in high school gym class,” he related, “since I had the breasts of a girl and a little stub of a male.”
“So it was a painful experience?”
“You have NO idea. And it is still painful for me. It is a pain I would not wish on anybody.”
“And why did you transition into a woman?”
“Because that was the side of me I most closely identified with.”
His intense pain could be felt through the phone as he talked. He had kept this secret all of his life, including the years he worked for the Christian TV network. He married and had a daughter that he’s still crazy about
It was so heavy in his heart that he decided to commit suicide as he was driving his car on a winding road passing a cliff as the road turned. He was prepared to not turn his car so he would plunge down the steep rocky terrain, but at the very last instant, he thought of his daughter whom he loved so much, and straightened out. However, his marriage did end in divorce.
His suffering was so excruciatingly painful to hear that I could not sleep that night. In this case the pronoun will be used according to her female dominant side. This is a very legitimate identification since she had been born with both genders with the dominant female side.
This is entirely different from a Bruce Jenner who has a gender disorder mental condition that compelled him to become a fake woman. Even so, he had the same horrific mental identity conflict that my friend had and the same pain that became intolerable as he felt he was not even a legitimate person, living with a clouded identity.
Perhaps this is the way we should look at all transgenders, not as freaks, but as persons in pain who are hurting every minute of their lives with no real certainty as to who they really are or where they belong. Mentally they feel strongly as both a woman and a man even though there is no physical manifestation. But the pain of identity is the same as the two natures in them clash.
Then too, perhaps we should feel the same compassion toward homosexuals.
FULL DISCLOSURE. This writer was violently sexualized at the age of 11 by a Cub Scout Leader by the name of John Brockdorf in Salinas, California. This left me in severe pain which lasted several years. Plus it wrecked me emotionally for the rest of my life. This would be the case with anyone and everyone who has been raped as a child. One never gets over it.
These predators should be given at least a lifetime sentence, exactly as has been imposed upon the child they violated. It is to be noted that Brockdorf would later die at the hands of inmates in a prison he had been sentenced to when the truth about him came to the surface.
This will help explain why this writer comes down pretty hard on LGBTs. The celebrations they have, like Gay Pride Day, works to legitimize and make homosexuality acceptable, which in turn re-opens the wounds of the victims horribly.
So while their fierce demands can make even a preacher angry, perhaps we can focus on the pain their life condition has produced and concentrate on that so we will be able to REALLY do God’s work.
But wait! Hold On! Doesn’t the Bible state that God made mankind in His image? Even transexuals and homosexuals? So where is that image? It is certainly not in the bizarre, clown-like make up and clothing, of individuals of this community traipsing about in San Francisco.
So where is that image of God we all inherited? This will shock you. That image of God is found in something else God gave to us all….a soul.
The soul IS the image of God, a place where choices are made and implemented. We can choose good, or evil, follow God or follow Satan. This is all in our hands through the soul.
It is the soul that lasts forever. It is the soul that goes to heaven or hell. Our bodies are left behind, but the conscious soul goes on forever. That is our life after death and actually, our life today.
This leaves us all in charge of our own destinies. We can have sorrow or happiness, success or failure depending upon how (or if) we reach into our soul which would include the place of The Holy Spirit. Now THIS is something to think about.
For me, this thinking has been altered to doing everything in love. It is our duty to bring God’s love into every situation we find ourselves in. This is what I have been able to focus on when doing a funeral for a “gay” or transsexual. Now the quest is to bring this love of God into my everyday life and activities even though The Gospel will never be compromised..
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