For years, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been one of the most outspoken critics of Hillary Clinton. And yesterday, Assange had a dire warning for the American public. Clinton has a secret weapon that could rig the 2016 presidential election — and it’s the Internet giant Google, Inc.
You have to wonder, exactly how will Hillary beat back what smarter, more accomplished, better respected Conservative Americans could not do. Beat back the onslaught of lies, harassment, and blow hardness of Donald J. Trump. Does Google have the ability to sway voters? Will it use the news sourcing of researchers to highlight Hillary Accomplishments, while hiding anything positive about Donald J. Trump, “if there is anything positive”?
In his speech, Assange claimed that “Google is directly engaged with Hillary Clinton’s campaign” and the U.S. State Department in an “a quid pro quo” relationship — a chilling accusation. “Google is heavily integrated with Washington power, at a personal level and a business level,” Assange said, and the company will “inevitably influence its audience.” This isn’t the first accusation of disturbing Google-Clinton ties.
This in itself should scare those who wish for less overbearing of the Federal Government. This is highlighting the scandalous arrogance of both big business and Washington to wield power together. Another nail in the coffin of the power hungry Washington lifers of Senate and House.
In October 2015, Assange had said he believed that “Google was now Hillary’s secret weapon,” at an open government conference in Mexico. The Huffington Post, covering the event, reported, “Assange was referring to The Groundwork, a stealthy startup funded by Google Chairman Eric Schmidt that’s providing consulting services to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”
According to The Huffington Post, “While Schmidt has said that he would not work in a Clinton administration, he does support her presidential campaign. Google also has close ties to the Obama administration, with a number of former employees serving in top positions, from U.S. Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith to the head of the U.S. Patent Office, Michelle Lee. The chief technology officer of Clinton’s campaign, Stephanie Hannon, was also hired from Google.” The implications of such a relationship are very serious, technology expert’s note. Google’s ability to influence the outcome of elections has been a hot-button topic before.
Google, with its size and power not only in America but around the world, creates a goliath of a force to battle. This cannot be taken lightly whether the initial report was from Russia, Cuba, China, or any other foreign country. This needs a deep investigation, and one would question if politicians have the stomach to pursue such an endeavor.
“There are at least three very real scenarios whereby Google — perhaps even without its leaders’ knowledge — could shape or even decide the election next year,” Robert Epstein, a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, wrote in a 2015 POLITICO Op-ed. “Whether or not Google executives see it this way, the employees who constantly adjust the search giant’s algorithms are manipulating people every minute of every day. The adjustments they make increasingly influence our thinking—including, it turns out, our voting preferences.”
“Our new research leaves little doubt about whether Google has the ability to control voters. In laboratory and online experiments conducted in the United States, we were able to boost the proportion of people who favored any candidate by between 37 and 63 percent after just one search session,” Epstein warned. The scenario is sure to have some Clinton rivals outraged, especially when one considers that Google has been hit with antitrust lawsuits by international regulatory commissions for manipulating search results for business purposes.
In 2015, “The European Union hit Google Inc. with a double-whammy …, formally accusing it of abusing dominance of the online search market and opening a new formal probe into its control of the Android operating system for similar abuses, Fortune reported. According to British newspaper The Sunday Telegraph, the potential fines are huge — it could cost Google up to $3.4 billion. The fines may have provided a lesson to Google that it’s important to make sure friends are in power, especially in its largest markets like the United States.
One must take seriously the bond between lobbyist, big business, and the political elite of D.C. No longer can one sit on the sidelines as groups like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft writes laws to benefit them and pass them as I love you notes “from middle school” to the politicians. The threshold has been reached and stretched to its outermost boundaries, and now the whole political empire of Washington is on the ropes and it is time to “rope a dope” made famous by Muhammed Ali, but this time with political insiders and politicians.
Every new report, each new epiphany, one finds the need for a true Constitutionalist to become our President. This is not the time for a liberal agenda, or training on the fly, but a true Constitutionalist to sit in the Oval Office, and protect America, and her citizens from an overzealous business world, and even greater greed of politicians. Today is not the day to elect Hillary Clinton with all the questions concerning Benghazi and hidden emails on personal servers, nor is it time to train an arrogant blowhard in Donald J. Trump on what the constitution states, protects, and guarantees. We need a Constitutionalist, a Gentle statesperson, and eloquence to remind Americans what is at stake with each decision made, and each piece of legislation denied, or brought forward. The two noticeably chorded assumed candidates do not have what it takes to take the lasso, and rope a cow, nor rope the evil empires of big business.
Tags: Donald Trump Election Google Hillary Clinton Julian Assange Politicians
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