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Yes, my good friends, we have divided ourselves. Our new way of life, as caused by our self-indulgent attitude and our arrogance in believing nothing could hurt us, has allowed a sinister force to infiltrate our lives. How that infiltration happened has been mentioned many times. Did enough of you pay attention to realize the facts, and to help thwart it? I think not!

Now we are on the precipitous of a long and devastating journey to replacing our Republic with an unsustainable Society called Socialism. How many civilizations before us have tried and gone down in its’ wake? A question, that sadly, cannot be answered by many of our young today. Why? Because these “New Age”, “One World” factions have worked long and hard to put us down. And they have had a good start in our Colleges and Universities. They have seen to the distortion and removal of much of the History of our great Nation. Now they are working on the lessening of our Religious beliefs’.

How can we expect our Descendants to follow through with our Democratic Republic, if they have not a clear picture of how we, as a Nation, as a people, have achieved a Society that is the envy of many other Nations; those who attempt to put us down think they will just walk in and improve upon that.  {you cannot fly a Glider, and then step into the cockpit of a Jet}

A very strong influence on the youth of the Eighty’s and forward, was the Radical Movement fostered by those subscribing to the Saul Alinsky writings. Hillary Clinton was a strong motivator of those principals. Her influence through her College years, and the notoriety she gained through her public life were very strong elements in the Movement.

Hillary Clinton came from an upper ‘Middle Class’ family. She was a Conservative Republican through much of her early life and education. Then, while attending Yale Law School, she became acquainted with the works of one Paul Alinsky; he, being the author of a particular book titled “RULES FOR RADICALS”. Young Hillary Clinton, experiencing the discrimination of being a woman, and thereby losing more than one class office Election, was slowly experiencing a life changing mind-set. Many factors contributed to the change. The result was a young woman, whose impressive and extensive education, was so interrupted by various forces, that she became a spokesperson and champion of radical ideas.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is not a good loser! She was accustomed to winning!

The World today is painfully aware of that, seeing the result of losing the U.S. National Election of 2016. Very possibly Hillary’s emotional strength was so affected in her previous loss to Barack Obama in 2008, that she set out on a path to destroy all Male opponents that she wrongly perceived to be her peers on the World Stage. I believe her emotional status was seriously affected by the political events of 2008 through 2014.

And so it began; her determination to overcome the tradition of men over women in positions of authority and leadership. And we must remember that she first became aware of such, as Wife of then Governor of Arkansas, William Clinton, and his succession to President of the United States.

I am sure that, as First Lady of the greatest Nation on Earth, she was acutely aware of being the woman behind the man. Her status as such on the World Stage was an eye-opener to her.

The popularity she gained, not only throughout the marriage to President William Clinton, her term as a Senator from New York, and her time as Secretary of State under President Obama, was instrumental in her future Political ambitions.

Hillary’s problem was not following through, and not giving a good example, of the issues she championed. She spoke of Women’s Rights, but acted contradictive in putting down the women accusing her husband of sexual mistreatment. She spoke always of the minority groups, but never did anything to back up her promises. She became so desperate that losing the Presidency to Donald Trump was the final straw for her. She was so adamant during her campaign about winning, she began to do “whatever necessary” to win. And so started the downfall of her public persona.

Mrs. Clintons downfall was used by the sinister force as mentioned in the beginning. I am not blaming her directly for the current problems in our Society.  It is her persuasive popularity with this group that has gained momentum, and with Pres. Obama adding fuel to the fire. The Women’s Movement, Black Lives Matter movement, and a fractured Immigration policy that the Democrats behind her used to gain votes has been a solid push for Socialism in America.

Many splinter groups have joined the foray to bring notice to their own causes. But we must return to the mindset of the FDR and Harry Truman eras. We are a Nation of strength and values, and we must stand up together to gain back our Democratic Republic. We must regain our unity and our principals, and our courage as a Nation.

iPatriot Contributers


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