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This is a continuation of the State GOP offices letter writing campaign.

As part of Operation Clean House, grassroots activists and conservatives are asking that you as a voter participate in the letter writing campaign.

The letters will be addressed to:

1) Your State GOP Chairman

2) Your National Committeewoman and National Committeeman.

Please send one (1) handwritten letter to each individual listed for your State.

The purpose of a handwritten letter is to demonstrate that you have taken the time to write out your opinion and put it in the mail.  Experts attest to the power of a personal letter.  (Even our representatives in Washington admit that they place the highest value on handwritten letters from their constituents.  The letters hold persuasive power.  Two sample letters are below.


I am writing you with great concern for the current state of our Republican Party.  We have lost the last two presidential elections and appear ready to lose another.  Additionally the loss of this presidential election will have dire consequences on down ballot races for the Congress and Senate, which Republicans may lose control of.

I hold Reince Preibus, the Board of Directors of the National Republican Committee and Reince Preibus’s staff responsible for the current state of the Republican Party.  Their decision making process (according to legitimate press reports) were based upon retaining power and employment, and not what was in the best interests of America.  What was in the best interest of America was to have someone other than Donald Trump as our Republican presidential nominee.  I am aware that the nomination was stolen from Senator Ted Cruz by the illegal maneuvers of Reince Preibus and Paul Manafort.  I ask you to fire Reince Preibus, the RNC Board of Directors and Reince Preibus’s staff immediately.

I thank you for your consideration.


Or a shorter letter:


Please fire Reince Preibus, The Republican National Committee’s Board of Directors and Reince Preibus’s staff immediately for incompetence.

I thank you for your consideration.


There is currently a 10 day window of opportunity for placing Ted Cruz back in the race for President.  If you want Ted Cruz to run for President, it is suggested you send one of the handwritten letters immediately.  Please post a link to this article wherever possible.

This effort, Operation CLEAN House is intended to clean the Republican Party of corruption.  Even if the effort for another Presidential candidate is not met, the grassroots activists and conservatives behind this effort ask that you continue to send the letters.  The Republican Party according to activists needs to be cleaned out immediately for candidates of value may run in future races.


Debbie Maestas, State Chairman

Rosie Tripp, National Committeewoman

Harvey Yates, National Committeeman

5150-A San Francisco, NE

Albuquerque, New Mexico. 87109


Ed Cox, State Chairman

Jennifer Saul Rich, National Committeewoman

Charlie Joyce, National Committeeman

315 State Street

Albany, New York. 12210


Robin Hayes, State Chairman

Ada Fisher, National Committeewoman

Mark Brody, National Committeeman

P O Box 12905

Raleigh, North Carolina 27605


Kelly Armstrong, State Chairman

Sandy Boehler, National Committeewoman

Shane Goettle, National Committeeman

1029 North 5th Street

Bismark, North Dakota. 58501


Matt Borges, State Chairman

JoAnn Davidson, National Committeewoman

Jim Dicke, National Committeeman

211 South 5th Street

Columbus, Ohio. 43215


James Sea, State Chairman

Vicky Villagomez, National Committeewoman

Bill Palacios, National Committeeman

North Mariana Islands


Pam Pillars, State Chairman

Carolyn McLarty, National Committeewoman

Steve Curry, National Committeeman

4031 North Lincoln Blvd

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.Currier


Bill Currier, State Chairman

Marilyn Shannon, National Committeewoman

Solomon Yue, National Committeeman

P O Box 1586

Lake Oswego, Oregon. 97035


Bob Gleason, State Chairman

Christine Toretti, National Committeewoman

Bob Asher, National Committeeman

112 State Street

Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania 17101


Jenniffer Gonzalez Colon, State Chairman

Zori Fonalledas, National Committeewoman

Luis Fortuno, NationalCommitteeman

Puerto Rico



Brandon Bell, State Chairman

Lee Ann Sennick, National Committeewoman

Steve Triad, National Committeeman

1800 Post Road  Suite 17-1

Warwick, Rhode Island 02886


Matt Moore, State Chairman

Cindy Costa, National Committeewoman

Glenn McCall, National Committeeman

P O Box 12373

Columbia, South Carolina. 29211


Pam Roberts,State Chairman

Sandye Kading, National Committeewoman

Ried Holien, National Committeeman

P O Box 1099

Pieva, South Dakota. 57501


Ryan Haynes, State Chairman

Beth Campbell, National Committeewoman

Oscar Brock, National Committeeman

2424 21st Avenue, Suite 200

Nashville, Tennessee 37212


Tom Mechler, State Chairman

Toni Anne Dashiell, National Committeewoman

Robin Armstrong, National Committeeman

1108 Lavaca, Suite 500

Austin, Texas. 78701


James Evans, State Chairman

Anne Marie Lampropoulos, National Committeewoman

Thomas Wright, National Committeeman

117 East South Temple

Salt Lake City, Utah. 84111


David Sunderland, State Chairman

Susie Hudson, National Committeewoman

Jay Shepard, National Committeeman

P O Box 70

Montpelier, Vermont. 05601


John Canegata, State Chairman

Lilliana Bellardo de O’Neal, National Committeewoman

Jevon Williams, National Committeeman

Virgin Islands GOP


John C. Shipwreck, State Chairman

Cynthia Dunbar, National Committeewoman

Morton Blackwell, National Committeeman

115 E Grace Street

Richmond, Virginia. 23219


Susan Hutchinson State Chairman

Fredi Simpson, National Committeewoman

Jeff Kent, National Committeeman

11811 NE 1st Street Suite A306

Bellevue, Washington. 98005


Conrad Lucas, State Chairman

Melody Potter, National Committeewoman

Kris Warner, National Committeeman

P O Box 2711

Charleston, West Virginia. 25330


Brad Courtney, State Chairman

Mary F. Buestrin, National Committeewoman

148 East Johnson Street

Madison, Wisconsin   53703


Matt Micheli, State Chairman

Marti Halverson, National Committewoman

Richard George, National Committeeman

1821 Carey Avenue

P O Box 984

Cheyenne, Wyoming. 82003






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