As part of Operation Clean House, grassroots activists and conservatives are asking that you as a voter participate in the letter writing campaign.
The letters will be addressed to:
1) Your State GOP Chairman
2) Your National Committeewoman and National Committeeman.
Please send one (1) handwritten letter to each individual listed for your State.
The purpose of a handwritten letter is to demonstrate that you have taken the time to write out your opinion and put it in the mail. Experts attest to the power of a personal letter. (Even our representatives in Washington admit that they place the highest value on handwritten letters from their constituents. The letters hold persuasive power. Two sample letters are below.
I am writing you with great concern for the current state of our Republican Party. We have lost the last two presidential elections and appear ready to lose another. Additionally the loss of this presidential election will have dire consequences on down ballot races for the Congress and Senate, which Republicans may lose control of.
I hold Reince Preibus, the Board of Directors of the National Republican Committee and Reince Preibus’s staff responsible for the current state of the Republican Party. Their decision making process (according to legitimate press reports) were based upon retaining power and employment, and not what was in the best interests of America. What was in the best interest of America was to have someone other than Donald Trump as our Republican presidential nominee. I am aware that the nomination was stolen from Senator Ted Cruz by the illegal maneuvers of Reince Preibus and Paul Manafort. I ask you to fire Reince Preibus, the RNC Board of Directors and Reince Preibus’s staff immediately.
I thank you for your consideration.
Or a shorter letter:
Please fire Reince Preibus, The Republican National Committee’s Board of Directors and Reince Preibus’s staff immediately for incompetence.
I thank you for your consideration.
There is currently a 10 day window of opportunity for placing Ted Cruz back in the race for President. If you want Ted Cruz to run for President, it is suggested you send one of the handwritten letters immediately. Please post a link to this article wherever possible.
This effort, Operation CLEAN House is intended to clean the Republican Party of corruption. Even if the effort for another Presidential candidate is not met, the grassroots activists and conservatives behind this effort ask that you continue to send the letters. The Republican Party according to activists needs to be cleaned out immediately for candidates of value may run in future races.
Tuckermann Babcock, State Chairman
Cynthia Henry, National Committeewomen
Peter Goldberg, National Committeeman
P O Box 201099
Anchorage, Alaska. 99520
Robert Graham, State Chairman
Lori Klein, National Committeewoman
Bruce Ash, National Committeeman
3501 North 24 Street
Phoenix, Arizona. 85106
Doyle Webb, State Chairman
Jonelle Fulmer, National Committeewoman
Jonathan Barnett, National Committeeman
1201 West 6th Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Jim Brulte, State Chairman
Harmeet Dhillon, National Committeewoman
Shawn Steel, National Committeeman
1121 L Street Suite 207
Sacramento, California 95814
Steve House, State Chairman
Vera Ortegon, National Committeewoman
George Leing, National Committeeman
5950 S. Willow Drive Suite 210
Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
J R Romano, State Chairman
Leora Levy, National Committeewoman
John Frey, National Committeeman
31 Pratt Street 4th Floor
Hartford, Connecticut. 06103
Charlie Copeland, State Chairman
Ellen Barrosse, National Committeewoman
Laird Stabler, National Committeeman
360 College Square Shopping Center
Newark, Delaware 19711
Jose Cunningham, State Chairman
Jill Horman, National Committeewoman
Bob Kabel, National Committeeman
P O Box 75153
Washington, DC 20013
Blaise Ingoglia, State Chairman
Sharon Day, National Committeewoman
Peter Feaman, National Committeeman
420 E. Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, Florida. 32301
John Padgett, State Chairman
Ginger Howard, National Committeewoman
Randy Evans, National Committeeman
P O Box 550008
Atlanta, Georgia 30365
Victor Cruz, State Chairman
Margaret Hellreich, National Committeewoman
Jay Rojas, National Committeeman
P O Box 2846
Havana, Guam. 96932
Fritz Rohlfing, State Chairman
Miriam Hellreich, National Committeewoman
Gene Ward, National Committeeman
725 Kapiolani Blvd #C-105
Honolulu, Hawaii. 96813
Steve Yates, State Chairman
Cindy Siddoway, National Committeewoman
Damond Watkins, National Committeeman
P O Box 2267
Boise, Idaho. 83701-2267
Tim Schneider, State Chairman
Demetra Demonte, National Committeewoman
Richard Porter, National Committeeman
P O Box 64897
Chicago, Illinois. 60664
Jeff Caldwell, State Chairman
Marsha Coats, National Committeewoman
John Hammond, National Committeeman
47 S. Meridian Street 2nd Floor
Indianapolis, Indiana. 46204
Jeff Kaufmann, State Chairman
Tamara Scott, National Committeewoman
Steve Scheffler, National Committeeman
621 East 9th Street
Des Moines, Iowa. 50309
Kelly Arnold, State Chairman
Helen Van Etter, National Committeewoman
Mark Kahrs, National Committeeman
P O Box 4157
2605 SW 21st Street
Topeka, Kansas 66604
Mac Brown, State Chairman
K C Crosbie, National Committeewoman
Robert M. “MIKE” Duncan, National Committeeman
105 W 3rd Street
Frankfort, Kentucky. 40601
Roger Villere, State Chairman
Lenar Whitney, National Committeewoman
Jason Core, National Committeeman
530 Lakeland Drive, Suite 215
Baton Rouge, Louisana. 70802
Rick Bennett, State Chairman
Ellie Espling, National Committeewoman
Alex Willette, National Committeeman
9 Higgins Street
Augusta, Maine 04330
Diane Waterman, State Chairman
Nicolee Ambrose, National Committeewoman
David Bossie, National Committeeman
69 Franklin Street
Anaopolis, Maryland 21401
Kirsten Hughes, State Chairman
Kieko Orrall, National Committeewoman
Ron Kaufman, National Committeeman
85 Merrimamac Street, Suite 400
Boston, Massachusetts 02114
Ronna Romney McDaniel, State Chairman
Kathy Beider, National Committeewoman
Robert Steele, National Committeeman
520 Seymour Avenue
Lansing, Michigan. 48933
Keith Downey, State Chairman
Janet Beihoffer, National Committeewoman
Rick Rice, National Committeeman
2200 East Franklin Avenue, Suite 201
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
Joe Nosef, State Chairman
Jeanne Luckey, National Committeewoman
Henry Barbour, National Committeeman
P O Box 60
Jackson, Mississippi. 39205
John Hancock, State Chairman
Susie Eckelkamp, National Committeewoman
Gordon Kinne, National Committeeman
P O Box 73
Jefferson City, MISSOURI. 65102
Jeff Essmann, State Chairman
Jennifer Fielder, National Committeewoman
Art Wittich, National Committeeman
P O Box 935
Helene, Montana. 59624
Dan Welch, State Chairman
Joyce Simmons, National Committeewoman
J L Spray, National Committeeman
1610 N Street
Lincoln, Nebraska. 68508
Michael McDonald, State Chairman
Dianna Orrock, National Committeewoman
Lee Hoffman, National Committeeman
500 S Ranchero Drive, Suite 7
Las Vegas, Nevada 89106
Jennifer Horn, State Chairman
Juliana Bergeron, National Committeewoman
Steve Duprey, National Committeeman
10 Water Street
Nashua, New Hampshire 03301
Sam Raia, State Chairman
Ginny Haines, National Committeewoman
Bill Polatucci, National Committeeman
150 West State Street, Suite 230
Trenton, New Jersey 08608
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