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Donald Trump came on the political scene as a joke – a semi-serious reality TV star who fired his show participants. The political elites assured themselves his decision to run for President was merely a publicity stunt to boost his ratings and more importantly his ego.

Step by step, doubt by doubt, the good ole boys and girls convinced themselves he’d drop out at this stage or the next. He kept coming, becoming more difficult as he went. He insulted everyone he deemed to be counterproductive to the needs of an economy that must be restored and the oath to the Constitution that merely became a rite of passage to unbridled power.

I’m much more interested in Trump being for God than God being for Trump.

My wife and I sensed well before he announced that he has a calling much like King David – warts and all. Being a childlike man in many ways – judged by his penchant for beauty and service – he probably isn’t fully aware of that calling. It’s better that way – once one realizes his humility or childlikeness, he isn’t. Better he is unassuming as he follows his inner leading. … and we lift him up in prayer, support and courage of our own convictions. Our world is upside down. Together we can right it.

I liken Trump, a builder of beautiful things, to King David – a man of great talent who did some nasty things, but became a great leader – “a man after God’s own heart.” He wrote the Psalms and fathered King Solomon. Isn’t life beautiful when you seek beauty first? “Of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Do we want to maintain the status quo at all costs, or are we to see the Beauty in Donald Trump’s end product – America Great – and Beautiful Again?


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