Of course they will. Obama goes to the Northeast (Cape Cod) to vacation and play golf. Hillary needs to take the weekend off to rest; as they both get ready to help Bill celebrate his birthday.
And the everyday Democrats continue to fight for these two. They do not see the lies, the transgressions, the misinterpretations of facts and events. I believe the bottom line is that they are so afraid of Trump they ignore the obvious.
Mr. Trump is playing basically by his rules. Those very same rules that got him through the Primaries. He listens to his advisors, a conglomeration of experienced Politicians. He plays along with them somewhat, as he needs their input in certain areas. That is the Business logic that he possesses; to surround yourself with the proper advisors and experts. Absorb what they offer, but remain your own man.
Did anyone notice that he brought with him to Louisiana, a huge semi filled with food and supplies? The Press was not told to make note of it, I am sure, as many folks did not know it. I saw Trump helping unload and hand out boxes, but at the time I did not know the origin of it. Now I do!
The average, everyday Democrats, all good Americans, with a heart as big as gold, and a desire for peace and unity, have been led to believe that the Republicans are bad people. Well, they (the Republicans) are Politicians, and we understand and expect some of their self-indulgence. Yes, and even some of their lying. But as American citizens, we are used to that. We try to read between the lines and know the truth, which I believe most of us do.
That is the reason, I believe there are those who fear that the brash attitude of Donald Trump will put us into a World War, and therefore they turn a blind eye to the truths of the Democratic leaders. Nonsense!! Trump was educated in military school, and one of the top Business University’s in our Country. He has dealt with the Lobbying sector of Washington D.C. as a Businessman, he has made huge donations to Politicians to secure his interests; and he has had numerous dealings with, and forged friendships with, many leaders of foreign Countries. He knows what he is doing.
Did anyone notice the huge number of men and women that are around him. They are well respected folks that Trump depends on for advice and information. His Cabinet, I believe, will have seated the best of the best. His Supreme Court nominees will be very middle-of-the road Justices. That nonsense that was made of his remarks about a Judge of Mexican heritage is just that, nonsense. He misspoke of course. A seasoned Politician would not make reference to that at all. But you and I would.
The same as we do against the Muslims now living in America. We blame the good Muslims for the horrendous violent actions of ISIS. And we comment in those terms among and between ourselves. But we have different rules than the Politicians when speaking. Put a microphone in our hand, and we would not utter such words.
I believe many men and women in the public and Political arena are aware of Trumps demeanor. In spite of his tendencies to speak his mind, he is not stupid. He certainly would not say or do anything to cause military responses by our enemies. On the contrary. They are very much aware that Donald Trump would not hesitate to take whatever steps necessary to protect the American public; as well as our Military Personnel, but certainly not take any drastic steps unless advised by our Military.
Donald Trump, I believe, is a respected, mature, sensible, and patriotic American, who will do as he promises to the best of his ability; he has an acute awareness of what has been going on in Washington D.C. and I feel that is what has motivated him to seek the Presidency.
I believe the Legislative branch of our Government will work with him, as will the Military, to help him and the American people, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Tags: Donald Trump Hillary Clinton President Barack Obama
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