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Man was given the Choice to do good or evil. The things that men do, good or bad, determines the course of local and world events.

If God was your center and motivation, there would be peace and plenty for all.

The Christ taught that Heaven was here.

It could be if we make it so.

We bring God’s influence into our lives by reflecting the divine attributes through our thoughts, deeds and actions.

The concept of Reward or Punishment, is as simple as doing right or wrong, good or bad. The choice is ours.

It takes more than prayer to bring about the proper results. Just as it takes aggression and force to subdue and subjugate, it requires the same initiative and force to subdue the aggression. Things just do not happen. Things are allowed to happen by a collective consciousness or unconsciousness.

If our Liberty and Freedom are taken for granted, we will lose them!

Eternal vigilance is the price of Freedom

iPatriot Contributers


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