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This Communique just in from Joint Chiefs of Staff Action Officer (Name Withheld)..

If these deployment reports are true…AND ARE NOT FAKE NEWS. AKA LIES!!!

Hopefully, upon departure, the Post arms rooms will be opened and troops each issued THEIR PERSONAL (zeroed!!) weapon, and that commanders will not get orders to leave the ammunition for the weapons in the Post Ammo bunker! As in, “Ammo will be issued upon arrival at the border!” Not!!!!

Note: Clinton had at one time All Guard ammo and all machine guns turned in!! Troops were photographed maneuvering on exercises with inert wooden 50 cal BMGs!!

Deep State bureaucrats in the Pentagon are also now (long time by four presidents) ) ensconced in the Troop Support channels and are capable of disrupting any operation Trump might order.

Jersey wall “fortifications” will serve only one purpose and that is to shoot from behind.

But Patton warned about the futility of fixed fortifications, and 25-year-old hell bent Muslim males can easily breach jersey walls.

Mobility, armored mobility, armed APCs, against this “Attack” is the only guarantee against this hell-bent multitudinous mob.. military aged .. to ensure troop safety.

14,000 – 45,000 (second wave) insurgents will overwhelm 5000 unless troops are armed and orders are given to shoot to kill!! NO cursed ROE caveats!! (Rules of engagement!!)

Of course, this can start THE civil war!!

iPatriot Contributers


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