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Recently I made the decision to return to my home on Long Island where I grew up. The entire experience has been somewhat of a ‘culture shock’.

Two motivating factors leading me to return to the North Country of New York State, have been the change in the demographics on Long Island, and the huge increase in the cost of living. Previously, in the History of America, the Immigrants coming to our shores were eager to learn the language and assimilate into the prevailing American Society and culture. The ‘American Dream’ was the goal.

Today, I have realized the dramatic changes within the most recent influx into the USA. Few seem eager to meld in, learn the language, or accept our culture. There are some, of course, that have made a successful transition, and it is a pleasure to accept them into our Society and our lives. But the many who insist on a dual language society, have thereby, in my opinion, created many unnecessary problems of communication.

When moving back to Long Island, the change-over in the telephone service and utilities was a veritable nightmare. Our first two days settling in here we were without water. The next three weeks we were unable to use the gas range. The TV and Internet took only 3 to 4 days, and then adding on the little glitches that go along with those installations, at times seemed like a never-ending unsolvable problem.

The language problem, as mentioned above, has added to the frustration in getting things accomplished in settling back into the old “hometown”.

Many stores and restaurants, in my opinion, appear to overachieve in attempting to please the new-comers and gain their business. There is a large change-over on the grocery shelves, and in the menus of Eateries. It appears that many of the tried and true brands have been replaced by brands unfamiliar, and menus have been somewhat altered. And trying to place your order with the waitress is a challenge just understanding each other.

I am very much aware that change is necessary for any Society to grow and mature. But I adamantly denounce the rush to appease, which seems to prevail in our Nation today. It seems to me that we, as Americans, are the ones expected to assimilate, and I strongly disagree with that mindset.

Why do some of our women, especially those in Government, wear the headdress of the Middle East ladies when visiting their Countries. I am reminded of the Military having problems with their own Female members who were told not to wear the American uniform, or American clothing styles, when off base!

What has caused us to be so intimidated or bullied??? Why are we allowing this to happen?? We are losing our Heritage!!

Our Congress, along with other Political leaders, seems to be caving in. And that scenario has me totally baffled! It also has me completely disgusted and angry.

We have depended on the Leaders in our Society to be our strength against those who would divide and conquer our Nation, and yet I see them capitulating to those who would change our Constitutional Republic. I feel sometimes that ISIS is still fighting us; only now they are using our own Constitution against us; now they are infiltrating our Government in their attempts to divide and conquer. Along with the Liberal Socialist, we have the over-bearing Mid-East culture attempting to force their culture on us.

Why have our leaders faltered? Why have they backed down to the pressure? And where is the pressure coming from? These questions must be answered!

Finding the answers is the responsibility we carry to those that have made sacrifices to save and preserve our Republic. When we find the way, we must act on it. There will be no turning back. We must and should let our Government know exactly how we feel, and what we will do to regain our way of life; to keep and maintain our Freedoms, our Liberties, and our rights afforded us by the Founding Fathers in our Constitution, and the courage of those who carried the Flag into battle for us. The time is now. Find your courage! Find your allies! FACE THE ENEMY!

iPatriot Contributers


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