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Two Rules of Law Are at War! Which One Will Win?”

The preservation of our true Rule of Law of We The People is now at stake!

The arrogant Constitutionally-illegal Rule of Law is, if you will, an intensifying migrant-caravan invasion: in serious violation of our ideological borders!

Facebook, Twitter, and Google are easily compared to the leaders of the illegal migrant caravan from Pueblo Sin Fronteras, a heinous non-profit group based in Deep State Chicago. Mark Zuckerberg is easily on the same low level as Emma Lozano, left-wing activist from a UN-affiliated Methodist church in Chicago, Pueblo’s executive director, according to Influence Watch.

Like two Gladiators in an arena, the true and false Rules of Law are in a fight to the death! It is no predictable match, as the communist “Rule of Law” has been in training and development for decades!

But We The People shout a deafening roar supporting the true Gladiator, the true Rule of Law, and the deadly match is on!

The training and development manual for the fake Rule of Law – as with the manual for Drago to battle Rocky – emerged with the hard-left Democrat Francis Biddle’s Justice Holmes, Natural Law, and the Supreme Court. FDR vestige Biddle thought he could remove the American Constitutional Rule of Law from its Christian basis of Constitutional interpretation and wrote this subversive book.

Let’s pause here a moment to get this image of Drago and Rocky strongly in our hearts! The hard-hitting and imposing foreign “Rule of Law” is represented by a determined Drago bashing Rocky into oblivion. But guess what! Rocky is sick and tired of taking it and fights back! Click here!

So whose Rule of Law are we giving to our children? The fake but deadly Rule of Law determined to put them into slavery? Or the REAL Rule of Law, guaranteeing Freedom of Speech and gun ownership and a solid Christian basis in Constitutional interpretation?  Not UN and leftist globalist interpretation!

You ARE one of We The People! You ARE Rocky! And though maybe against your will, you ARE in the ring with the deadly Drago! Which Rule of Law will win? Only YOU and your organized friends can demonstrate the Power called upon to defeat this imposing Drago-arrogant anti-Constitutional Rule of Law!

Vigileaks urges all American veterans to stop committing suicide and joint Oathkeepers today! And for those conservative Patriots not veterans, get organized locally! Think nationally, act locally!

iPatriot Contributers


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