Throughout Mankind’s history there’s been one weapon against which no Police Force, Justice Department nor Armed Forces have developed an effective defense.
This weapon is words and/or ideas.
No matter the endeavors of good people or the worst dictator to ever rule; words and ideas live on. They enter minds, to educate, change a point-of-view, or fester as propaganda.
Ideas and words build worthwhile realities; on the positive side. But they can destroy reputations, organizations, education, and countries when weaponized.
Words and ideas become weaponized when woven of lies, half-truths, false history, perversions of facts or figures, i.e. stats, but most dangerous of all is the perversion of words themselves.
And it’s the words of one’s language Liberals bend and twist until the selected ones mean something entirely different to what the good old English Dictionary defines them as.
It’s unfortunate that Revolutionaries often deploy such warlike propaganda against the good people of their own nation.
Previous attempts by homegrown revolutionaries to bomb the USA into submission failed. Those terrorist groups then turned to ideas and words as their weapon of choice and aimed it at our youngest. Those most vulnerable of us who hunger for ideas and education.
Liberals knew that in generations to come it would be easy to drive young students, now adults, to violence and so replace the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights with Leftist beliefs. Especially when perverted ideas and words first came wrapped in the golden foil of education.
Back then, Socialism was relatively unknown in the USA. And so, parents didn’t understand the dangers, many still don’t.
Today this war upon our children has devastated education and is destroying our nation.
Unfortunately, many of today’s students swallow ideas and words whole. This due to the Liberalization of our Education System.
For example; when on TV a Liberal says something like, “Immigrants have a Right to be here. To work here free of deportation and to not have their families broken up.”
Of course, the Liberal is correct in the words spoken.
But the meaning of immigrant now includes anyone who has crossed the borders of the USA…legally or illegally. And across the span of all TV News and Commentary shows Liberals repeatedly demand that immigrants do have these Rights. But these Socialist, Liberal, Left-wingers of all and any political persuasion are not referring to Legal Immigrants.
They instead refer to those individuals who have illegally crossed the Border into the USA, or overstayed a Visa. Who are resident in the USA without a Resident Permit. Who work without a Work Permit.
Yet, Liberals pretend to speak of actual Visa enabled immigrants. No! Those they speak of are not Immigrants. Yet, Liberals refer to them as immigrants and as if they did emigrate via INS into the USA.
In this fashion, Liberals have grouped legal and illegal immigrants together as immigrants. And it’s the taken for granted by good people nationwide; that twisted meaning is. It then follows that anyone living in the USA is a Natural born American or an immigrant.
Another twisted and perverted word is racism, which Liberals have perverted and twisted in definition more so than any other word.
Here’s the actual definition of racism:
noun 1. the belief that each race or ethnic group possesses specific characteristics, abilities, or qualities that distinguish it as inferior or superior to another such group.
- discrimination against or antagonism towards other races or ethnic groups based on such a belief.
Please note the author’s bold type of the last five words of the second definition. They are key to defeating propaganda.
One can find old interviews done with Nazis or Apartheid era Afrikaners from South Africa in which both express how much they like, even love, the Jews in one case and black Africans in the other. Therefore, merely hating or hate isn’t racism.
In fact, hate is an emotion as is anger or grief.
Showing factual definitions or doing so when engaged in conversation with Liberals, tends to check-mate the propaganda. This would include using extracts from Immigration Regulations, or the Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights, etc.
It also assumes one can get a word in edge-wise.
Viewers may have noticed how Liberals talk-over the Fox hosts or other guests who counter their Liberal ideas. And it’s not done solely to grind-in their Leftist talking-points.
Oh no! Liberals have nothing of value to offer, and know it.
They must therefore ensure no one ever hears worthwhile ideas, other points-of-view, or facts, definitions, or excerpts; for that alone defeats them.
Fact-checked and/or good-ideas are Game-over for Liberals.
Without the virtual landscape of falsehoods and twisted promises, Liberals and all Socialists have nothing to offer hardworking folk of a nation, any nation.
They willingly act obnoxious, stupid, and uncaring so long as they can prevent ideas contrary to theirs making it to viewers or listeners with clarity. And talking or shouting while others are contesting their ideas ensures no listener can hear the opposition. Please handle it by simply muting their mics.
Yet, there is hope. For not all our youth are susceptible to this war of words. And the older generations have a stake in their children’s futures and in their grand-children’s futures.
As all interested parties can see on TV; we will not go willingly nor quietly with slave-like obedience into a world silent of Freedom of Speech let alone unarmed.
The return of our Constitution and Equal Justice for All is an ideal worth working towards.
Lawrence M. Nysschens
Once-Other is available at all online stores://
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Lawrence M. Nysschens (say Nations) emigrated to the USA in 1989. Due to the expansion of Socialism (Liberalism) in the USA he now writes fiction that integrates practical solutions. His novels which do this, say so up front. Once-Other is the first one.
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