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Couched in the concept of “rights” for deviants, queers, perverts and transgendered individuals, President Obama and the anti-American far left Progressives are using “bias laws” [bathroom laws], like the one passed in North Carolina and proposed in Tennessee and Georgia, in their immoral agenda to subvert the traditional American family, Christianity and the U.S. Constitution. If Obama and the courts and a few million supporters of the LGBT deviant minority are allowed continued success in granting non-existent “constitutional rights” through their own unreasoned moral distortions and prejudiced arguments, our unalienable God-given rights will soon be denied, and the State Leviathan will emerge as the final arbiter of U.S. law, granting and eradicating one’s rights upon a whim.

This battle has been ongoing, since at least 1967, when Los Angeles police arrested a transgender performer, Sir Lady Java, at the Red Foxx Club. The ACLU defended this deviant in the name of “the freedoms of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people,” suggesting that the majority community should reject viewing any type of bizarre gender-based sexual activity as deviant.

America has been bombarded by a systematic public relations campaign to change U.S. attitudes towards queer (LGBT) lifestyles, and if one were to believe the New York Times and President Obama’s views on recent events, one would think that most Americans were either homosexuals or transgendered. The Progressive radical leftist agenda cannot succeed, unless Progressives can force the public, through the media and government coercion, to accept deviant, perverted and aberrant behavior as the cultural norm, which goes against every aspect of our American Heritage.

On April 4th, Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia proved himself to be a feckless coward, when he vetoed House Bill 757 due to pressure from Disney, Apple, Time Warner and other corporations and possible loss of millions of dollars of future business. His action helped the Progressive cause to destroy the moral fabric of our society and harmed the real fight for liberty in America.

In North Carolina, this battle grew after the Democratic City Council, in Charlotte, passed a nondiscrimination ordinance in February that allowed transgendered people to use men’s or women’s bathrooms. They took this path, despite Gov. Pat McCrory’s warning that if they changed “basic restroom and locker room norms,” he would support a state law overriding them.

facist gayIn Orwellian fashion, “gay rights” groups, representing approximately 5% of America, and “mainstream media” outlets, like the New York Times, did their best throughout April to paint the moral majority, who supported heterosexual norms for religious reasons as “bigots”. The NYT quoted one LGBT supporter saying, “The religious right has always been there … in the national political discussion, where hateful bigotry is allowed to stand … “.

We are “bigots” for objecting to grown men urinating next to our small daughters, our sisters and our wives. But Progressives don’t care that many gentle women will be uncomfortable with a man who thinks he is a woman exposing themselves to urinate in front of them.

Just as any American patriot would do, many of North Carolina’s leaders have refused to buckle under financial threats from Pres. Obama, the N.B.A. and corporations like PayPal. Lt. Gov. Dan Forest said, “If our action in keeping men out of women’s bathrooms and showers protected the life of just one child or one woman from being molested or assaulted, it was worth it.”

Forest added on April 11th: “Either we in North Carolina capitulate or we stand and fight back. We have chosen to fight back.”

North Carolina State Representative Phil Shepard, a Republican and a Baptist minister, delivered the following biting response to critics of the bill: “Our values are not shaped by the N.B.A. or Bruce Springsteen or some opinion poll. We’re standing strong.”

One can only hope and pray that a similar law, recently tabled by Tennessee State Representative Susan Lynn, will be revisited and passed during Tennessee’s next legislative session. And hopefully similar legislation will also pass in a majority of states, and the people will stand strong in the face of this baseness and moral turpitude.

If Americans accept the Progressive argument, steeped in the philosophies of Freud and Marx, that all sexual practices are equivalent behavior resulting from impulses ingrained at birth, then nothing, regardless how extreme or bizarre, can be ruled to be learned or an aberration of human nature. If God is merely an idea created by human beings, then no God exists to set limits on acceptable human practices. If moral behavior is determined through an individual’s presumed “rights”, then what moral bounds exist?

What’s next – the pedophilia/NAMBLA agenda?

How did America arrive at this destination, where gay men are seen as some sort of heroes for forcing conservatives and Christians to serve them?

“For we have spent enough of our past lifetime … when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries … they think it odd that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you.” 1 Peter 4:3-4

In 1799, Jedidiah Morse preached: “The foundations which support the interest of Christianity, are also necessary to support a free and equal government like our own … Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all the blessings which flow from them, must fall with them.”

The fight for freedom and individual liberty is constant – never ending – and the Moral Majority and most Americans will fight fiercely against the Far Left’s Marxist-styled attacks on God, family, our Judeo-Christian beliefs as professed in the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. We will not be forced to bow and kiss the ring of the illiberal Progressive’s politically correct theology, we will not be forced to think in any manner opposed to our own conscience and free will, and we will not be forced to believe someone is a woman, if they are a biological man – no matter how much lipstick Obama smears on Bruce Jenner.

LGBT “rights” end where Christian rights begin, with the First Freedom and Religious Liberty.


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