WASHINGTON, D.C. 1/16/18–Twenty Seven Psychiatrists, The Soros Fake News Media, “Author” Michael Wolff and the Democrat-Communist Party were all PROVEN TO BE LIARS in two appointments, Friday and Today.
On Friday, President Trump had his physical. He asked also for a mental exam to counteract public statements by so-called professionals (who never examined him), that he is mentally incompetent. Doctor Ronny Jackson of Walter Reed Hospital who examined President Trump said he was in good physical health even though he needs to lose 15 pounds.
The cognitive screening tests proved the 27 psychiatrists publicly lied by proclaiming him mentally unstable and a danger to our country while the fake news media were more than eager to present their “findings” to the world, to hurt our duly elected president, so as to move Hillary into the Oval Office.
Again, they made these damaging claims without ever examining him which is illegal resulting in loss of their licenses.
Not only MUST they lost their licenses but President Trump has a huge libel case against all of them. Do it Mr. President.
Again, according to the law, a mental health professional is PROHIBITED from making a diagnosis without a thorough exam by a licensed psychiatrist. These frauds who broke the law also trashed the confidentiality protection of patients by broadcasting what was presented as an analysis, but remember, President Trump was never a patient of any of them.
The mental exam at Walter Reed Hospital not only showed him to be entirely mentally fit to run our country but the doctor stated on television today that of the 30 questions that were part of the exam, President Donald Trump gave a correct answer to all of them. In other words, he aced it.
Now, liberals have been exposed as fraudulent liars. They will be wise to stop attempting to remove President Donald Trump from the elected office he won. He has millions of people standing with him. All dirty stuff from those barbarians will no longer be effective. You and the mental health profession have been EXPOSED. You have no credibility.
And as we have seen how unethical so many psychiatrists and psychologists have proven to be, we have now come to one conclusion: Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have their heads examined.
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