Why is it so important to vote, and is it a moral decision? Sort of.
The constitution declares that this is a nation under the watchful eye of the Creator of the universe. As the author of all creation, He established this nation as a representative republic composed of a free and independent people, and as such, He gave us the right to choose who will represent us through our voting. As a free people, we have a right to choose not to fulfill this responsibility to our government, be disobedient to God, and to suffer the consequences. If we do not vote, then we can not complain about the outcome.
In the past, we have elected a crook and a cheat (Nixon), two Philanderers (Kennedy and Clinton) and none of the presidents for the last century have been particularly religious or even moral, and we have elected them to be leaders and presidents, and not priests or prophets. Our obligation, this election is to determine who will best represent all the people. Let us look at only four major issues that we are all concerned with, the preservation of our form of government, the preservation of our sovereignty, the preservation of our security, and the preservation and advancement of our economy.
Preservation of our form of government – The third branch of our government, The Judiciary, needs to be composed of strict constitutionalists who are not trying to be legislators as well. If we need to change laws, we have The Legislative branch, voted in as representatives of the people to do this. Changing laws is not the judge’s mandate. We do not need to change or reinterpret the framework, and it does not need to be modernized. It works perfectly well the way it is.
Preservation of our sovereignty – Immigration is out of control, and it has been since way before Ronald Reagan. Why are we the only nation on earth that doesn’t even try to control who comes here? Just try to go to Mecca. The solution is simple. Close the borders, then control who we want in. Implementing that is not so simple, but it is necessary to try.
Preservation of our security – Throughout history, there has never been a less imperialistic country than the US. Americans have a desire for peace and a distaste for war, but it is insane not to fight like we are at war with those who war against us. As the most powerful country in the world, we need to fight to win and fight to eliminate future wars. The war in the Middle East has cost the lives of over 370,000 people, over 7million have lost their homes, and we have spent over 61 billion dollars. It is about time to put an end to this swiftly and decisively.
Preservation and advancement of our economy – For the past 8 years the economy has slumped along as the worst recovery in modern times and the government has had no effect on a recovery that naturally would bounce back after all this time, without the government interfering. The do-nothing political posture needs to stop regulating businesses to death and chasing them out of the country with oppressive taxes. Stop this “fair share” mantra and do what is necessary for us all to prosper. If we are arguing about splitting up a piece of pie, bake more pies and we will all have more.
Yes, there are more concerns, but if any candidate will even attempt to tackle just these four issues that the present government has ignored and done nothing about, then it doesn’t matter if they are a saint or a sinner, a professional politician or a novice, or even if you like them. We need to get rid of the do-nothing government we have and elect someone who will at least try to bring this country back on a winning track, winning for all Americans. Don McLean said it well in “American Pie”.
Tags: Election Voting
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