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Editorial credit: Tony Prato /

Okay, the inept pipe bomber, Cesar Sayoc. Yep, he is apparently a registered Republican.

That’s true. But the more we learn about this dirtbag, the less Republican he becomes.

He may say he’s a Republican, but his thoughts and actions betray him. I examine them and conclude he has much more in common with the radical left and Democrats than Trump and the Republicans.

The #MeToo movement started out innocently enough and did some good. But it has devolved into a movement where it seems everything is now considered harassment.

Even a simple joke. I began to load a joke onto my website but stopped. This movement has now caused me to question whether a harmless, albeit slightly sexist joke, would land me in hot water. And that’s the shame of an otherwise helpful movement being co-opted by radicals.

iPatriot Contributers


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