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This year Passover and Easter share the very same days!

In the Holy Land this weekend, it is a great cause for unity among Jews and Christians. When Muslims across Israel demonstrate during this holiest time of the year, they must realize the consequences for not only disrupting Passover, but simultaneously disrupting Easter in the Holy Land.

To be fair, a growing number of Muslims have been boldly accepting Christ. These will not be demonstrating in Israel.

Too, a growing number of rabbis have been clandestinely accepting Christ. Yeshua Ha Mashiach. These reportedly have been meeting every Tuesday in the Israeli desert, to worship their true Messiah.

The important thing to remember on this special weekend is that Jews and Christians, indeed, stand in unity against this disruptive front of Islam. Israel belongs to the Jews. Islam will never be satisfied with a “two-state solution,” simply because Islam does not recognize non-Islamic nationalism.

So while a powerful unity exists this weekend, with Jews and Christians in the Holy Land, how can we make this unity even greater? Even stronger?

By examining Jesus within Judaism and in the amazing Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament!

These include His descent from Shem. His descent from Abraham. His descent from Judah. His descent from David. His descent from Joseph. And in Isaiah 7:14 we read: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

And there are hundreds more Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah’s character as they foretell Jesus: Judaic prophecies on His character, His ministry, His dual nature, His death and resurrection and ascension and exaltation and Second Advent.

For fifteen hundred years, with Isaiah at the middle date, the OT Passover was celebrated every year. The Passover Lamb was put on a spit the shape of a cross, so that none of its bones were broken. Yeshua (Jesus) was the perfect and spotless Passover Lamb, put on a cross and none of His bones were broken. That is:

The Roman soldiers broke the legs of the two thieves crucified with Jesus to insure their death. But when the soldiers came to Jesus, they saw that He was dead and “broke not His legs.” Prophecy was again fulfilled! “Neither shall ye break a bone thereof” (Exodus 12:46) and “Nor break any bone of it” (Numbers 9:12). These prophecies were fulfilled in John 19:36: “The scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.”

Psalm 34:20 proclaims, “ For the LORD protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken!” “He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.” Jesus was righteous, the spotless Lamb of God who died and rose again so we may, too!

And this should be every Christian’s prayer, for Jews and Christians in the Holy Land this season. May the Lord protect the bones of the righteous of all ages! May the Islamic demonstration not break one of their bones! And may it be so for God’s glory!

iPatriot Contributers


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