Merriam Webster definition of Arrogance: an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner in presumptuous claims or assumptions
The Democrats, RINO Republicans, MSM and the rest of the inhabitants of the Washington Cesspool no longer try to hide their open disdain for patriotic working Americans. I first noticed this beginning to happen when Obama began his first campaign for the Presidency. During his two terms in office this open disdain for Middle America steadily became more obvious. When Donald Trump announced his campaign for the Presidency the Washington Cesspool’s efforts to display their arrogance became an open obsession. During President Trump’s first fourteen months in office this arrogance morphed into an open hatred for everyone that did not mindlessly agree with the Washington Cesspool’s beliefs.
Hillary is a perfect example of the Washington Cesspool’s arrogance morphing into open hatred for patriotic working Americans. She went from calling Trump supporters “deplorable”, while she was running for President, to openly denigrating them in a recent speech in India. Hillary’s hatred for everyone who did not vote for her has gotten so bad that some Democrats that are up for reelection this November, are now going on record saying that she should not be so negative about Trump supporters. But we know what they are saying now against Hillary will change on November 7, regardless of whether or not they win reelection.
As noted, Hillary is a perfect example of the Washing Cesspool’s arrogance. However, she is only one of an abundance of loud visible people who are obsessed with sharing the media spotlight to denigrate anyone who appears to be a threat to their obsession with shredding our Constitution and forever “fundamentally changing America”. Our 1st Amendment rights have been under attack for a long time now with the Left’s Politically Correct (PC) speech movement. Our 2nd Amendment has also been under attack for years but now it is under the most aggressive attack in our history! It is obvious that the “One World Order” people see the current effort to ban guns as the first real opportunity to actually disarm America, and there is no limit to how much money they will spend or what they will do to accomplish this NOW. Does anyone really believe that all these high school kids have the knowledge and money necessary to organize the recent “spontaneous” antigun rallies? I also wonder who actually wrote the emotional speeches delivered by the ones “chosen” to step up to the microphones and deliver them. The vast majority of these “kids”, and the “adults” supporting them, do not even know what the definition of an “assault” rifle is! In fact most of the “hunting rifles” currently owned by many Americans would be banned by the “assault” rifle descriptions that are currently being used by the “self-appointed gun control experts”.
And now we have an instant “media storm” over the Trump Administration’s decision to put the question, “ARE YOU A U.S. CITIZEN”, BACK ON THE 2020 CENSUS FORM! Obama had this question removed from the 2010 census form, without being questioned by anyone! The potential effects on American politics of this question being on or off the 2020 form is huge. This topic obviously deserves a full article of its own. I plan to address it in a future article
Even though President Trump has what appears to be an army of people obsessed with destroying his Presidency, he is still accomplishing great things for America on a regular basis. For example, this week his Administration and the South Korean government announced that they had reached agreement on a new free trade agreement between our two countries. This agreement is much more favorable to the U.S. than the one the Obama Administration agreed to in 2012! With our support President Trump will continue to make America great again.
November 6, 2018 is the next “battle ground” for America’s future. We cannot sit down and be quiet. If we do we will lose America, as we have known it. If the Washington Cesspool gets control of our government again they will never give it up again, and America will become one big “cesspool” like they have in Chicago, Baltimore and the rapidly growing homeless camps in every major city in California.
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