Playing with identity politics is a regular way of conducting business for the Left. Balkanizing groups based on race, religion or gender divides Americans and puts people against each other, which is what the Left needs in order to gain power.
So it’s little surprise that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) claims that former President Barack Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice, accused of unmasking Trump team members and leaking their names to the media, is only being targeted for, you guessed it, racism and sexism.
In a tweet posted yesterday, Jackson Lee listed three black women who she believes have been specifically targeted by both the Trump administration and “conservative talking heads”: White House correspondent April Ryan, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), and Rice.
Ryan, a reporter for American Urban Radio Networks, reportedly clashed with White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer last month. Spicer told her to stop shaking her head. Of course, shaking one’s head is a blatant sign of contempt and arrogance. But naturally, the Left made Spicer’s remark out to be racist and sexist.
Regarding Waters, Fox anchor Bill O’Reilly joked that her hair looks like a “James Brown wig.” A benign, dumb joke became a racist and sexist attack, and O’Reilly quickly apologized. Forget the fact that Waters constantly calls for Trump’s impeachment for no reason and has said plenty of asinine things herself, commenting on Waters’ hair is just over the top.
Lastly, and most importantly, Rice was accused this week of ordering the unmasking of Trump transition team members when their communications were incidentally picked up while surveilling foreign intelligence, and then ordering the leaking of these names to the press. When asked if he thought Rice acted unlawfully, President Trump answered that “Do I think? Yes I think,” adding that this is “one of the biggest stories of our time.”
Rice claims she did nothing wrong by asking for the identity of the Americans caught in the foreign surveillance, and claimed that, “I leaked nothing to nobody, and never have, and never would.”
Keep in mind that Rice is the same person who lied about the cause of the 2012 Benghazi attacks for weeks, claiming that the uprising was because of a video insulting Islam, even though the administration knew it was a terror attack that took the lives of four Americans at the embassy in Libya.
But none of this matters to Lee. Ryan, Waters, and Rice are only being targeted because they are black women. Because this is the tactic the Left uses routinely: when caught in a lie or scandal, deflect, change the subject and demonize the opposition.
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