The war is on right now against White South Africa, and the violence currently directed at whites by the black majority population and South Africa’s radical communist African National Congress (ANC) and Economic Freedom Fighters parties is at near genocide level. Open displays of racial hatred by South Africa’s leaders have fed a black and bloody tide of pent up rage, that has revoked Mandela’s pledge, if it was ever upheld; and, today in South Africa, white people are being ground into dust and forced to flee or prepare for civil war.
Many South Africans, such as my good friends, Herman and Sonaret Myburgh, owners of Pretoria Engineering in Murfreesboro,TN, recognized the warning signs early, and they left for America shortly after South Africa ended Apartheid in 1994. Even then, the violence against whites had begun, as the Myburghs often explained.
Nelson Mandela was a despicable communist, who allowed three-quarter of a million people to be slaughtered under his regime, but since his death, the violence against whites has become worse. In Johannesburg specifically, close to 60,000 white people have been reported murdered, since Mandela fell from power, along with an estimated half a million more who have vanished without a trace, and while many human rights groups are calling this a “white genocide”, the mainstream media seems not to notice.
The rapid rise of this tragic situation can be largely attributed to the passage of the Expropriation Bill of 2008, which empowered the ANC and “any organ of state at any level of government” to take ownership and possession of property “simply by giving notice to the expropriated owner”. However, the most incendiary bill was passed (241 to 83) just this March 1st 2018 by Parliament, which authorizes the seizure of land from white farmers without paying compensation, as they amended section 25 of their constitution, on the insistence of the radical leftist EFF, and used their majority to legalize state theft from the politically powerless white minority.
In the wake of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s and the ANC’s tyrannical change to the constitution, the black majority has interpreted this move to mean “We have permission to kill white people”. And the violence has been further stoked by Julius Malema, leader of the EFF, who regularly leads crowds to chant “Kill the Boer, kill the white man”.
Malema claims his violent rhetoric is not really intended to move his followers to murder whites, when he shouts “hit them hard — go after the white man … We are cutting the throat of whiteness”. His followers didn’t get the memo and have taken his message to heart, as black gangs are roaming the countryside slaughtering entire white families.
On the West Cape in Stellanbosch, Susan Joubert, an eighty year old woman, was repeatedly stabbed and murdered by a marauding gang of blacks, and Leftists and the world news outlets ignore this and thousands of other similar slaughters of whites, because they are the wrong color. They claim race isn’t a factor, but even Ms Joubert’s dogs were stabbed to death.
Lauren Southern, an independent journalist has been in South Africa preparing a documentary on this unbelievable crisis of humanity, this white genocide. Upon her recent return Ms Southern offered the following condemnation:
“It’s being covered up. The government has stopped collecting all data based on race … so they can’t even show these brutal murders are happening disproportionately to whites. They are covering up all these murders as burglaries gone wrong … That is what’s being reported by the government and by the media.”
Now, the bloody handwriting is on the wall of many a Boer farmhouse, and thousands of white crosses bear testament to their murders at the Plaas Moorde [Farm Murders] Monument. Atrocities so wicked they strain the credulity of civilized men are being committed upon white people, by savages filled with racial hatred and more monster than human — evidenced by the raped, tortured and mutilated bodies of men, women and children and these crimes against humanity.
Whites have been made nearly helpless too, by the Firearms Control Act of 2000, which requires everyone to show an overriding need for a firearm. If one is not black or a member of the ANC or EFF, in other words if one is white, one is often arbitrarily denied a firearms license, which out of necessity leads whites to arm themselves “illegally”; and if they even minimally defend themselves, they are regularly punished, since self-defense itself verges on an offense, under the Marxists’ “constitution”.
The ANC controlled government has also enacted “laws” that ensure black people are given first choice for any job over a white person, which has made it almost impossible for most whites to live. Many have already been forced into private camps operated by charities, by a government policy that keeps them from working and takes everything from them. The government is systematically eliminating the white race from South Africa.
Can government and ANC operated internment camps be far behind?
Isn’t this the very same sort of operation the Nazi Einsatzgruppen socialists implemented in Germany to take property from the Jewish people and “cleanse” German society of Jewish people?
As Leo Hohmann renown author, recently noted (March 13th), provisions exist in the Refugee Act of 1980 and precedents are found in the 1990 Lautenberg program, that give the president and Congress some great latitude, if they wish to assist the white Afrikaners. The current situation in South Africa is well within those parameters, and a mass exodus of white Afrikaners on an emergency basis can be handled in an expedited and rapid fashion, especially if the U.S. can get help from the U.K, New Zealand, and Australia, too.
Hopefully, some concerned philanthropists, from across the free world, and benevolent expatriate South Africans will soon start raising funds to purchase supplies of food and medicine, from numerous sources, and arms and ammunition from overseas dealers for delivery to the white Afrikaners, who surely will welcome them. If handled properly, this need not violate any laws, other than South Africa’s “laws” of tyranny.
It was not supposed to be this way. Post Apartheid South Africa was supposed to be the Rainbow Nation, throwing off their past of racism and injustice. It was supposed to be the model for the Brave New World that was promised by those on the Left, who peddle multiculturalism, diversity and identity politics.
The West convinced the White Minority Government of F.W DeKlerk to end Apartheid in 1994. It is the West that now turns a blind eye to the crimes committed, aided and abetted by a regime even more reprehensible than the Apartheid it replaced.
Will the slaughter of the white Afrikaners go unnoticed, unreported and unavenged?
Will the death inflicted on them be dismissed as retribution for past injustices under Apartheid or decried for the horrific racist genocide that it is?
If the colors were reversed, the Leftist of the world, such as former UN Ambassador Samantha Power and Susan Rice, former Obama advisor, would be screaming “bloody murder” at the top of their lungs and protesting in the streets, and yet, they are not. They would rather fight for LGBT trendy causes, than be seen helping to save the lives of white Afrikaners. In their heart of hearts, they agree and are one with the ANC, and this genocide is seen only as a normal and acceptable path towards the “restoration of dignity”, in the words of Cyril Ramaphosa.
However, the Boers and Uitlanders will not go quietly into that night, once the hell and conflagration of war rises against them. They are the descendants of the voortrekkers and the 470 of Blood River, led by Andries Pretorius, who successfully withstood the onslaught of over 100,000 Zulu warriors in 1838, and they will not meekly submit to their own extinction. I hope they stand astride the graves of their ancestors and howl in defiance into the teeth of those who seek their blood.
The Dutch Boers arrived in southern Africa in 1652, and they gradually spread inland, taking possession of a virtually empty land. Historical revisionism notwithstanding, one-hundred and fifty years passed before the first significant encounters occurred between white and blacks, when Boers moving north clashed with Zulus moving south. Today’s white South Africans can rightfully claim South Africa to be their ancestral home, and if they wish, they would be right to stand and fight to retain their homes and their land.
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