There is something I have not seen discussed online. During the Democratic convention the delegates for Sanders were blocked out of the convention and kept behind an outside fence while people responding to an advertisement were paid to fill the seats that rightfully belonged to the Sanders delegates. Reports said that four of the locked out Sanders’ delegates attempted to climb the fence keeping them out of the convention and were arrested. The locked out delegates were shown rioting about their mistreatment.
I am confident that those elected delegates had spent a great amount of time and efforts getting themselves selected as delegates. They were doubtlessly pleased and excited to receive the opportunity. I presume they paid their own way to the convention city and paid for their accommodations. Many travelled long distances. I would be surprised if the female delegates did not purchase special clothes for the trip. Perhaps some males did. They had to arrange for their time away from their homes and work.
The individuals that replied to the ad for substitutes for the locked out Sanders’ delegates and who were paid to simply fill the seats vacated by those locked out delegates can forever brag about having attended a national political convention even though they were not elected delegates. The reports stated that those paid substitutes were required to remain in their seats at all convention times; that they were not allowed to move around or even to leave their seats to go to the restroom. The Democrats wanted none of those seats to be vacant whenever the cameras scanned the convention audience. This was hundreds of seats. The substitutes were required to constantly cheer for whatever was onstage.
Yet…after this unfair, insulting and unprecedented treatment at the Democratic convention, it seems that some of these elected Sanders’ delegates have mentioned they are voting for Hillary Clinton. That is beyond my understanding.
Tags: Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton
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