This kind of reckless and insane way to attempt any serious negotiations or foreign policy by tweets is nothing more than a teenager flirting with their latest boyfriend or girlfriend, and not an adult method of persuading or invoking allied acceptance and it is doing serious damage to the country. My American friends, the time is now to stand up & say to President Trump: stop tweeting & start leading.
While America has had to endure the ongoing arrogance and matter of fact tweets, from Donald Trump, about how the Democrats tried to steal the 2016 Presidential election, Trump claimed three million illegal voters voted for Hillary. His election fraud commission came close to verifying it, and they only missed it by three million. That still never stopped the onslaught of Tweets from a deranged man who keeps trying to divert from evidence and the fact that everyday more evidence is accumulating against Trump about the Russian and Trump partnership to shape the 2016 race into something it should never have been.
Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. could face criminal charges if Bannon’s claims are true, where Steve Bannon tells America the Trump Tower meeting was “treasonous.”, this puts the game in extra innings and gives Mueller, special prosecutor for the Russian intervention into the 2016 election more evidence and another public admitting of collusion and comprehension of said dealings. Steve Bannon is quoted as saying that “the chance that Don Jr. did not walk [the meeting’s participants] up to his father’s office on the twenty-sixth floor is zero.” This puts Ivanka’s Husband potentially in prison, and will once again make Ivanka a free agent for Donald to date.
Peter Zeidenberg, who spent 17 years as a federal prosecutor, said that both men likely told investigators exactly what they’ve been saying publicly—that Trump had no knowledge of the meeting and wasn’t present for any part of it. If this turns out to differ from the truth, they could be at legal risk. “They would have been giving false information, so they would be subject to an obstruction of justice or false statement charges,” Zeidenberg told Newsweek. “Don Jr. has denied this. Kushner has denied this. Obviously, there’d be issues with that. This would mean the accounts that investigators have been given so far…[are] false.”
Americans are very well aware of the Donald and his methods to the destruction of anything he touches. Trump’s words have a very high likelihood of being just another uneducated propagandist lie. Americans are well aware that Donald has lied over 1700 times since taking office. Speaking of lying and Russia, Americans are more than aware that shady dealings between Trump and Putin began many years ago and National security adviser H.R. McMaster says the U.S. must confront Russia’s “insidious” interference in elections. “Russia’s moved from what you might call plausible deniability to implausible deniability.”
While those in Iran are attempting to bring Freedom back to their country from the unreasonable tyrannical rule, we will see no compassionate had from the Savior Complex 45th President. While the president and his cabinet have repeatedly praised Iranian protesters, there’s no evidence Trump will show any generosity to dissidents looking to escape the country. Sadly, the American political system will turn it back once again on the Iranian dissidents.
“You’d think they would treat [the Iranians] much like we treated dissidents during the Cold War, where we opened our doors to embarrass the Soviet Bloc… But I imagine [this administration] would probably treat them like garbage like they treat everybody else.”
Mahsa Khanbabai, an attorney based in Massachusetts, said she has helped about half a dozen Iranians travel to the United States since the first ban went into effect. The waiver process is a massive hurdle, she said—in part because it isn’t clear who can get them. The ban says people who may face “undue hardship” if they can’t travel to the U.S. may be able to get papers. But it doesn’t explain what “undue hardship” means, and whether the hardship would affect them or their contacts in America. But where is that system to assist those now being slaughtered? On a golf course, tweeting his latest frailty?
Then we go back to the tweeting and talking like an uncivilized prehistoric creature while discussing Nuclear Weapons with North Korea. The world’s most powerful man ignited a stunning new showdown with North Korea late Tuesday, as Donald Trump boasted to volatile leader Kim Jong Un that he had a “much bigger & more powerful” nuclear weapon.
“Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!” Trump tweeted.
While Jake Tapper, of CNN, speaks with retired Adm. John Kirby about this tweeting and the dire consequences.
“To call it juvenile would be an insult to children for what he did tonight,” retired Adm. John Kirby, a former State Department, and Pentagon spokesman told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Tuesday.
“I do think in the halls of the Pentagon and the State Department, there has got to be a lot of concern over this because he is the President of the United States. His tweets are going to be taken as official policy,” said Kirby, now a CNN analyst. “There is no question they are going to lead to miscalculation and confusion over there.”
We go from pushing the envelope of WWIII to threatening Trump’s own henchman, and white supremacist cohort, Bannon with Donald Trump’s attorney sending Bannon a cease and desist letter over ‘disparaging’ comments. Seriously, Trump is confused to state that the truth is considered to be “DISPARAGING” comments. Throughout this letter threatening Bannon, Donald Trump’s lawyer states numerous times throughout the letter the following: Towards the end of the letter, Harder writes “Further, as the prevailing party in any litigation arising out of your breach of the Agreement, Mr. Trump, and the Company will be entitled to ‘an award of reasonable legal fees and costs.” What is the company? Are we talking about Donald Trump’s businesses, and if so, then he was supposed to sever all ties to his companies when he took office, and this letter gives credence to the emoluments clause and free rooms to national figureheads at his establishments, or the remuneration for said stays at his establishments. Either scenario creates a legal muddle.
The Title of Nobility Clause is a provision in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, that prohibits the federal government from granting titles of nobility, and restricts members of the government from receiving gifts, emoluments, offices or titles from foreign states without the consent of …
So we have a President who has more legal issues in courts than a minor city, has tweeted threats to private citizens, has recklessly put America at risk of a nuclear showdown and has threatened a person giving credence to the Presidents awareness of the Russian meetings and intervention. The American people see the loss of medical insurance, their taxes will increase so that by 2027 only the richest ½% gains anything, and a President who has far outweighed all other Presidents off the clock and on vacation, while spending over $100 million, that went directly to his establishments and paid by the workers in America through payroll taxes.
Then America watches the cascade continue with an out of control President, who many feel is not in a capacity to be the Commander in Chief, nor even capable of being President mentally. What does this man do, but attacks his confident that got him elected, Bannon? The White House released the strongly worded 266-word statement from the President slamming Bannon after excerpts from a new book quoted Bannon as calling the meeting between a Russian lawyer and the President’s eldest son, son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort “treasonous” and “unpatriotic.”
In excerpts published Wednesday by The Guardian, Bannon is quoted criticizing Kushner, Manafort and Donald Trump Jr.’s decision to take a meeting with a Russian lawyer the President’s son believed would bring him incriminating information on Clinton from the Russian government.
“The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor — with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers,” Bannon told Wolff. “Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”
Lawmakers concerned about Trump’s mental health invited a Yale psychiatry professor to brief them in December. The conversation about the president’s mental state and the 25th Amendment, which allows for the removal of the president from office if the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet deem him physically or mentally “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”
Lawmakers concerned about President Donald Trump’s mental state summoned Yale University psychiatry professor Dr. Bandy X. Lee to Capitol Hill last month for two days of briefings about his recent behavior.In private meetings with more than a dozen members of Congress held on Dec. 5 and 6, Lee briefed lawmakers — all Democrats except for one Republican senator, whom Lee declined to identify. Her professional warning to Capitol Hill: “He’s going to unravel, and we are seeing the signs.”
In an interview, she pointed to Trump “going back to conspiracy theories, denying things he has admitted before, his being drawn to violent videos.” Lee also warned, “We feel that the rush of tweeting is an indication of his falling apart under stress. Trump is going to get worse and will become uncontainable with the pressures of the presidency.”
Richard Painter, who served as chief White House ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush, tweeted on Tuesday of the president’s comments about North Korea, “This Tweet alone is grounds for removal from office under the 25th Amendment. This man should not have nukes.”
That made Trump’s sudden fit of saber-rattling “more jolting,” according to Bill Kristol — and it reopened the national conversation about the president’s mental stability. “I was focused on Iran, and talking to people in the administration about serious policy,” Kristol added, “and then to see in the middle of what might be a serious policymaking process, Trump’s just flipping out.”
On Wednesday, Lee and two other medical professionals released a statement following Trump’s late-night Tweet baiting Kim Jung Un into a potential nuclear war. “We write as mental health professionals who have been deeply concerned about Donald Trump’s psychological aberrations,” the statement read. “We believe that he is now further unraveling in ways that contribute to his belligerent nuclear threats. … We urge that those around him, and our elected representatives in general, take urgent steps to restrain his behavior and head off the potential nuclear catastrophe that endangers not only Korea and the United States but all of humankind.” The statement, released on behalf of the National Coalition of Concerned Mental Health Experts, was signed by more than 100 medical professionals.
With the evidence piling higher by the day, the President becoming more sporadic and unresponsive to reality, Americans must denounce every sitting politician that is not on-board with the medical investigation of the mental capacity of a beleaguered and out of control President. This is not a time for politics 101, but for politics, Infinium to get a precise measurement of the capacity of this president, and from a multitude of doctors, not just chosen by the President, or his worshippers, but by those who are recognized as true experts in the field.
America must stand up and rectify this problem immediately. There need to be apologies to allies, and assurances to enemies that America will continue within its normal framework. The fabric of America, the honor, integrity, and moral fortitude will continue. Any opportune time that decisions need to be made that will affect the national scene will be taken seriously, in consultation, and within the framework of the American Constitution. This is not the time for timid or weak responses to this major issue that America is working through. Let us not forget the multitudes of new evidence and motives provided to the Prosecutor Mueller and his team. This has been the “WORST OF TIMES AND THE BEST OF TIMES” for the beginning of 2018. Let America not falter and steer steadily in the direction of honor and wisdom.
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